The Wheel for February 14, 2019
Listen to Kevin Janison – KSNV Meteorologist
The Wheel

Kevin Janison – KSNV Meteorologist
Kevin is both a Children’s author and an award-winning Meteorologist. In June 2017, Kevin received his sixth Emmy award from the Southwest Region of the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences. It was his 14th nomination for his on-air work. He has won a “Best Weathercast” award from the Associated Press, “Best On-Air Personality” and seven “Best Weathercaster” awards from Las Vegas’ Electronic Media Awards, plus several mentions in the Review Journal’s “Best of Las Vegas” annual edition.
In May 2007, his children’s book, “Deputy Dorkface; How Stinkville Got Cleaned Up” was first published. The book is based on a bedtime story Kevin told his children about a town where nobody takes a bath. The series now includes many award-winning books and “The Deputy Dorkface series” has been named among the best in
Each year, Kevin, visits nearly 100 schools sharing his stories, the importance of reading, and taking the students on an interactive journey through the publishing process. On the weather side, Kevin has been responsible for building the Neighborhood Weather Network, which placed weather stations, cameras and provided curriculum in meteorology in over 100 schools throughout the region.
An avid tennis enthusiast, Kevin is often found on local courts. And… to add a little
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
Happy St. Valentine’s Day and welcome to all the spouses, boyfriends and girlfriends! We thank you for sharing the love of your life with us each week at Rotary.
We celebrate Valentine’s Day in memory of Saint Valentine of Rome. Historians believe that St. Valentine was martyred on February 14, 269. St. Valentine is believed to be the former Bishop of Terni, Narnia, and Amelia. St. Valentine was arrested for converting people to Christianity and for marrying them. St. Valentine was sent to Rome under the emperor Claudius Gothicus (Claudius II). Claudius II had forbidden marriages because he believed that he was having trouble raising armies due to the men’s attachment to their wives and children.
While in Rome, St. Valentine attempted to convince Claudius that Christianity was a valid religion. Claudius II rejected St. Valentine’s overtures and instead sentenced St. Valentine to renounce his faith or be beaten with clubs and beheaded. St. Valentine refused to renounce Christianity. The sentence was carried out on February 14, 269, although there is some disagreement on the year of his martyrdom. Legend has it that while in jail, St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer’s daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it “From Your Valentine.” Legends vary on how the martyr’s name became connected with romance.
What is known is that St. Valentine was martyred on February 14 and that in 496 Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a day of celebration in honor of his martyrdom. Valentine’s Day has grown into a date for exchanging love messages, poems and simple gifts such as flowers. If you are lucky enough to have your loved one with you today, give them a hug and a kiss.
Jim Kohl
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas
Member Highlights
PP Jim Tucker was presented by Cindy Fox with 2 VIP winning tickets to the upcoming “Firebird!” Ballet at the Smith Center.
PP Jim Hunt promoted the upcoming Cigar Fellowship at his home on Mar. 15, for an early St Patty’s Day. Get your green beer there.
Bill Stieren presented a grant for $988 to Trista Miller and Michael Elliot of the Al-Maun organization for their chess program for youth.
Scribe – February 7, 2019
- President Jim encouraged members to share the live stream of our meeting on social media to share our message and our Club with others;
- There were (2) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarians and (3) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
- There was a banner exchange with the members from the RC of Hendon in London, U.K.;
- At the Birthday Table announcing their birthdays for this month: Stephen Kasbeer, Peter Samuolis, Robert Werner and Walt Rulffes; Sidra Kain led us in singing Happy Birthday; President Jim fined Kirk Alexander, Ted McAdam, Francesca Gilbert and Paul Maffey for sitting at the Birthday Table;
- President Jim announcements: contact PE Jackie Thornhill for the the match of up to 50% for the Paul Harris fellowship; the Polio Pig last month raised $654.89 and with the 2-for-1 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation match of $1,309.78 raised a total of $1,964.67 which at a cost of $.13/vaccine paid for 15,112 vaccines; the District Gala is on 3/16 at the World Market Center; the District Conference is on 5/3-5/4 in Anaheim; Super Build is on 5/18;
- William Stieren presented a $988 grant to Trista Miller and Michael Elliott of the Al-Maun (Arabic for “Neighborly Needs”) organization for their chess program for youth;
- PP Jim Tucker announced the winners of the Super Bowl “Fill the Board” which raised $2,500 for our foundation; David Thorson talked about the upcoming Wetzel Awards on 2/28; Joakim Nyoni discussed the 25 Club Happy Hour with the Las Vegas Aviators at their new ballpark on 2/27; PP James Hunt covered the 3/15 Wine Tasting and Cigar Fellowship St. Patty’s Day celebration in collaboration with the Family of Rotary; Janice Lencke highlighted our 4/27 Cuisine & Octane fundraiser and the raffle for tickets purchased by 3/31; Bill Houghton discussed the available spots for 10th and 11th graders teen leadership training RYLA 3/29 – 3/31 and the District 5300 looking for facilitators; Marie Walsh updated us on Beckley Elementary School’s Career Day 2/8, Breakfast with Books 2/12, and Reading Week 2/25 – 2/28; Rosalee Hedrick covered orientation for new members on 2/7;
- The weekly drawing began at $5,414 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Gina Gentleman, who received a prize of $10, and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Melanie Muldowney;
- Cindy Fox introduced our program speaker Roy Kaiser, Artistic Director of the Las Vegas-based Nevada Ballet Theatre;
- President Jim presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and adjourned the meeting.