The Wheel for September 7, 2017

by Sep 7, 2017The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Rob McCoy – Neon Museum

McCoy began his career as a television news reporter and anchor. He joined the corporate world in 1983 and in the intervening years has provided valuable expertise to several companies in the areas of public, media and government relations as well as crisis communications and marketing. McCoy took his position at the Museum following an 18-year career at CenturyLink where he was associate vice president of government affairs and community development.As a native Las Vegan, issues concerning quality of life and

As a native Las Vegan, issues concerning quality of life and sustainability drive McCoy’s community commitments, both professionally and personally. In addition to chairing the Neon Museum’s Board of Trustees for two years and serving as a board member for seven years prior, he most recently served on the boards of The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada, Metro Chamber of Commerce and the Nevada Taxpayers Association.Rob has both a Bachelor and Master of Science Degree in

Rob has both a Bachelor and Master of Science Degree in Communications from LaSalle University and is also a graduate of the Martin School of Radio & Television Arts and Sciences. Additionally, he retains professional certifications from Harvard, MIT, and Cornell. He is also a graduate of Leadership Las Vegas.

Message From The President

Our club has had many illustrious pioneers of our community as members. Names like Crockett, Dondero, Wong, Thomas, Knudson, and Bracken all attended our weekly luncheons. Seeing these community influencers week-after-week “humanized” them to us “newcomers”. PP Irwin Kishner was such a person. He welcomed me with that same warm affection and those who knew him will fondly remember that he was always ready with a quick joke. Seeing him at various events around town, he always took the time to make the necessary introductions and to proudly mention that our mutual connection was Rotary. Speaking to him, one would never know that he was one of the true pioneers of our city – for which he was duly recognized as one of The First 100 by the LVRJ in 1999. His humility, wit and numerous contributions to our club and Rotary International will not soon be forgotten.

Thank you for your “Service Above Self” Irwin!

Read more about Irwin’s many accomplishments here: Irwin Kishner

Member Highlights

Scribe – August 31, 2017

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order.
  • Bob Fisher gave the invocation. Sidra Kain led the club in singing the “God Bless America.” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was PP Steve Linder.
  • There was (0) International Rotarian, (2) Visiting Rotarians, and (1) Guest of Rotarians that were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $835.00 plus this week’s donations. There was no drawing in observation of the “Hunger Banquet.”
  • PP Steve Linder presented Dr. Bill Stephan with an honorary membership in recognition of his longstanding service to the club.
  • PP Steve Linder announced that the next Wetzel award ceremony will be held on September 7, 2017 at 3pm at Nellis AFB.
  • President Michael Gordon introduced the “Hunger Banquet” and informed members that all will eat as the world eats today. Each member had a place card at his or her seat at the start of the meeting representing the three different groups. The group with the “High Income” card represented the 10% of the world’s population that can afford a healthy diet. Those members enjoyed a steak-and- lobster dinner in true Lawry’s style. The “Middle Income” group represented the 15% of the world’s population that lives on the edge of being thrown into poverty. These members enjoyed a lunch of rice and vegetables. The “Low Income” group represented the 75% of the world’s population that struggle every day to get basic needs: food, water and shelter. This group’s lunch consisted of a bowl of rice. He encouraged everyone to continue to support our club’s various projects addressing these needs such as the annual canned food drive, the upcoming Wine-to- Water event as well as the donation drive to assist people affected by Hurricane Harvey.
  • PP Ginger Anderson introduced the speaker, Brian Burton, President and CEO of Three Square Food Bank. Brian informed the club that Three Square has been sending assistance to Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. They are also providing meal packs for the children of the Las Vegas community. On a positive note, he added that world poverty as a whole is going down. So, we’re heading in the right direction.
  • President Michael Gordon presented the speaker with a “Share What You Can” award which will provide a warm meal to a homeless veteran.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
PP Karen Whisenhunt enjoys lunch with our Global Rotary representative Florence Maher.
Paul Kruger is sharing fellowship with his friend Ted from Virginia. He won’t forget his lunch.
Erik and his fiancé Luci enjoy the fellowship and pose and smile.
Bob Fisher started the meeting with his words of wisdom and a prayer.
10% of the population get Steak and Lobster. Congrats Sidra.
Sidra Kain led the club in singing
Rice and beans?? No, just rice to acknowledge World Hunger.
President Michael presents our speaker Brian Burton from Three Square with our “Share What You Can” award.
PP Steve Linder awards Dr. Bill Stephan with an Honorary Membership to our club.
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