The Wheel for October 13, 2016

by Oct 13, 2016The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Jasmine Sligh, MPHTHE Program Manager Cleveland Clinic

jasmine-slighProgram Manager of Caregiver and Community Education

Jasmine Sligh joined the Cleveland Clinic in 2014 and is currently the Program Manager for Caregiver and Community Education. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Morgan State University where she continued her education and earned a Master’s Degree in Public Health. As a public health advocate she has worked as a clinical research coordinator on several clinical trials across a multitude of specialties including endocrinology, oncology, and most recently neurology. It was in that role that she developed an understanding that the care-partner needs as much if not more support than the patient. Switching roles from direct patient care, she now oversees the many community education and support programs offered at the center.

Message From The President

David ThorsonDear Fellow Rotarians,

Last week provided yet another example of just how powerful a group of leaders like ourselves can be when we get together and rally around a cause. Over the course of two evenings while enjoying the sounds of Wynton Marsalis and later turning wine into water we raised a combined total of over $1,700 to support the SOAR Awards and One Drop.

A big thanks to leaders like Jaime Goldsmith for arranging the Marsalis event and Arlene Sirois for organizing a great Wine to Water event. I would also like to give special recognition to Sarah and Don Brown for not only hosting the Wine to Water event, but also for inviting so many of their friends who helped make the event a smashing success and exposed a whole new set of people to the Rotary world.

Given that the balance of October we will also be building houses in Mexico, seeing one of our members make his MMA professional debut while raising money for the club, read with children at two of our supported schools, enjoy a tailgate party at UNLV and hit the home stretch on our Canned Food Drive competition against the Kiwanis, we are truly demonstrating our motto of “Service Above Self”!

The following quote seemed an apt bit of perspective to go with our activities this month:

“One should always be drunk. That’s all that matters…But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk.”
― Charles Baudelaire, circa 1850s

There is a possibility that I might have accomplished all three last week!

David Thorson
President 2016 -2017

p.s. we had three people who correctly identified last week’s verse (Stu
Lipoff, Francesca Gilbert and Michael Gordon). It was written by the ancient
Greek playwright Aristophanes who was a humorist and a bit of an antiestablishment
commentator in his time. You might find his bio interesting if
you have a free moment to look it up.

Member Highlights

Scribe – October 6, 2016

• President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
Arleen Sirois gave the invocation. Sidra Kane led the club in singing “My Country Tis of Thee.” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Past President Steve Linder.
• There was (1) International Rotarian, (3) Visiting Rotarians and (4) Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
• The drawing began at $1,261.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Arleen Sirois who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Janelle Lozano.
• Past President Steve Linder introduced the birthday table: Shawn Noorda, Janet Linder, Rob Telles and Ted McAdam led the birthday song.
District Governor Luciano de Sylva presented Marie Walsh with an award she received from the Clark County School District for her efforts at Beckley elementary school.
• Jackie Thornhill presented the Wetzel Award Winners with their plaques.
• Jaime Goldsmith announced that the Wynton Marsalis raised $789.30 towards the SOAR Program.
• President Elect Michael Gordon gave a presentation on the website updates for
• Past President Karen Whisenhunt spoke about the Family of Rotarians signature projects with the USO, Salvation Army and Veteran’s Village.
• Erik Astramecki announced that he still has raised $1,300 with his upcoming King of the Cage fight on October 15, 2016 at The Cannery for the Rotary Annual Canned Food Drive making the current total $8,000!
Kirk Alexander announced that they can still accomodate volunteers for the Corazon Super Build on October 15, 2016.
• Past President Steve Casey announced that the next UNLV Tailgate Party is on October 22, 2016 at 11:30am.
• Past President Tom Krob announced that Santa Clothes will be held on December 8, 2016.
Arlene Sirois reminded everybody about the Wine to Water event Friday October 7th.
• President David Thorson introduced the speaker, District Governor Lu de Sylva,
• Arlene Sirois reminded everybody about the Wine to Water event Friday October 7th.
• President David Thorson introduced the speaker, District Governor Lu de Sylva, who educated the club about Rotary International and the 100 year anniversary of the Rotary Foundation. He spoke about growing Rotaract and TLC. He also, gave out “Star of the Club” awards to Deb Granda, Jaime Goldsmith, Stu Lipoff, and President David Thorson.
• President David Thorson presented Lu with the Sole Power award and adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
David Thorson
Arleen Sirois opens the meeting with an invocation.
Sidra Kain led the club with a wonderful rendition of “My Country Tis of Thee”.
Janet Linder
Shawn Noorda
Rob Telles gets fined $500 for not sitting at the Birthday Table.
Ted McAdam sings Happy Birthday to his fellow club members.
President Dave and Jackie Thornhill present Award plaques to our Wetzel winners.
Past President Karen Whisenhunt brings us up to date on the Family of Rotarians projects.
Past President Steve Casey announced the UNLV Tailgate party is on Oct 22.
Arleen misses the chance to win half the pot
New member Janelle Lozano wins the Lawry bucks.
President Dave presents our speaker District Governor Lu de Sylva with our Sole Power award.
Deb Granda
Jaime Goldsmith
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Rotary International
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