The Wheel for November 3, 2016
The Wheel

Greg Devereaux-Magician
Greg Devereaux has been performing magic for over 25 years. Inspired by a mentor when he was teenager, he channeled his mischievous energies into magic– learning how to misdirect, use human psychology, and sleight of hand to entertain and bring joy and astonishment to others. His magic has brought him all over the United States and to the other side of planet and back, performing for Fortune 500 companies and celebrities. His YouTube videos have been watched over 5 million times.
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
The word “Magic” is defined thus by Merriam Webster – “an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source”. As we highlighted through our fun little superhero theme last week, our club has proven that there is extraordinary power in leaders like ourselves getting together and applying our collective talents to solving problems in the community.
This month our club turns its magic to supporting our schools in their efforts to create universal literacy in Las Vegas and to helping feed the hungry with our friendly Canned Food Drive competition with the Kiwanis Club.
Today’s theme of magic combined with the fact that next week this inspiring (sic) election cycle will thankfully come to a close, also gives me the opportunity to give you another shot at identifying some prose (Rotary references added through creative license):
The world is full of compromise, and infinite red tape
But Rotary has the magic, it’s your one chance for escape
So turn me on – turn me up – it’s your turn to dream
A little magic power makes it better than it seems…
I’m young, I’m wild and I’m free
I’ve got the magic power of Rotary, in me!
David Thorson
President 2016 -2017
Member Highlights
Sargent-at-arms IronWOman (Jaime Goldsmith) introduced our members who announced upcoming projects and events.
Sargent-at-arms IronWOman (Jaime Goldsmith) introduced our members who announced upcoming projects and events.
Sargent-at-arms IronWOman (Jaime Goldsmith) introduced our members who announced upcoming projects and events.
Sargent-at-arms IronWOman (Jaime Goldsmith) introduced our members who announced upcoming projects and events.
Thor (President David Thorson) presented Erik Astramecki with a 4way test coin for his fundraising efforts.
Scribe – October 27, 2016
- President David, as Thor, and the Avengers brought the meeting to order at 12:13. Did you know today is National American Beer Day? Melanie Muldowney, as Black Widow, gave the invocation. Ted McAdam, as Captain America, led us in singing America the Beautiful. Sergeant-at-Arms was Jamie Goldsmith, as Iron Man.
- International guests and guests of Rotarians were introduced.
- President David thanked all who helped set up today’s meeting, recapped on the first three months of RY 2016-17, and recognized Erik Astramecki with October’s Four-Way Test Coin for donating the proceeds of his debut MMA fight to our club. A dinosaur (Kirk Holmes) then invaded our fellowship and assumed to attack Bob Barnard, but the Avengers saved the day!
- President David let the club know that Rene Blanchard has been rather ill and asked the members to keep Rene in their thoughts and prayers.
- Janice Lencke announced the platinum level sponsorship for Cars for a Cause is still available. Contact Joe Lee for more info. Rosalee Hedrick added that we are looking for small items to fill hundreds of grab-bags for the car show, and encouraged all to “advertise you company.”
- Sarah Brown announced the next Highway Cleanup is Saturday, Dec 17. Contact Sarah for info.
- Randy Donald announced Santa Clothes this year will be the second Thursday of Dec on the 8th, and hopes all to participate with their time and/or donations.
- President David announced our Holiday Party the evening of Santa Clothes at the Four Seasons.
- Jackie Thornhill announced this quarter’s Wetzel Award will be Dec 1.
- Marie Walsh talked about the Harvest Festival at Beckley ES last week, and announced the next Breakfast w/ Books will be Thursday, Nov 15.
- Arleen Sirios shared the book she authored and said she would donate the proceeds of book sales today to our club and raised $270 at the meeting!
- Raffle: Chris Rodenfels drew for the Joker, but by mistake. Deb Granda then drew for the Joker but did not find it. Ty Hilbrecht won Lawry Bucks. Chris Bennett won a copy of Arleen’s book.
- Bill Stieren introduced our guest speaker Brian Brannman, CEO of St. Rose Dominican–Siena Campus and Senior VP of Dignity Health, Nevada Service Area.
- President David presented Brian Brannman with a Sole Power Award, and adjourned the meeting