The Wheel for May 18, 2017
The Wheel

John Laub – Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association
John Laub is the president of the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association. He and two others founded the organization in 2014. The group has monthly meetings and events. It’s the largest such group in the state with over 1,800 on its newsletter list.
John Laub also founded the Nevada Biotechnology & Health Science Consortium in 2007. John is the Chairman of the UNLV College of Sciences Advisory Board. John is a member of the Council of State Biotech Organizations and the Biotechnology Industry Organization.
John is the founder of the CEO-CFO Group which is now the C-Level Group. John is on the Board of Advisors for Father Max Oliva who is Jesuit priest.
John has CPA license, having worked at Deloitte & Touche in Las Vegas. He was in financial management for a number of startup companies.
John has a BS in Accounting from Oregon State University (Beavers). He’s a graduate of Clark High School in Las Vegas.
John’s grandfather founded Southwest Gas, the Nevada Development Authority and the Conference of Christians & Jews.
His father was president of Southwest Gas when it acquired the Phoenix & Tucson natural gas utilities. His dad was most proud of being the first Chairman of the Equal Rights Commission in Nevada.
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
Since today’s meeting will be run by President-Elect Michael Gordon, I thought I would use today’s message as a sort of “Presidents past, present, and future” theme. With a nod to Past President Steve Linder, here are some possibly interesting but largely irrelevant events that occurred on this day in history:
1310 – Shoes were first made for both right and left feet
1631 – Dorchester, MA forms first school funded by local taxes
1830 – D Hyde patents the fountain pen
1892 – George Sampson patents the clothes dryer
1899 – First speeding ticket issued to a NY cabbie in an electric car doing 12mph
1916, 1917 and 1918 – Codell, Kansas hit by a tornado
1926 – Congress passes the Air Commerce Act licensing of pilots & planes
1956 – Atomic Fusion Bomb dropped on Bikini Atoll
1980 – 710 Families evacuated from Love Canal area
1985 – Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 1300 for the first time
1989 – China declares martial law in Beijing
1990 – Hubble telescope sends its first photograph from space
2013 – Yahoo purchases Tumblr for $1.1 billion
2017 – Michael Gordon runs his first Las Vegas Rotary meeting!
Have a great day. Rest assured that our Club is well-represented at this weekend’s District Conference.
David Thorson
President 2016 -2017
Las Vegas Rotary Club
Member Highlights
Shannon Brown from Beckley Elementary and Marie Walsh reported that we had a record 290 people attend the last Breakfast with Books event.
Past President Karen Whisenhunt was our Sergeant-At-Arms and introduced Jimmelle’s guest, her daughter Chloe.
Scribe – May 11, 2017
- President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
- Jaime Goldsmith gave the invocation. Sidra Kain led the club in singing the “America the Beautiful.” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Past President Karen Whisenhunt.
- There were (1) International Rotarians, (0) Visiting Rotarians and (5) Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
- The drawing began at $7,115.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Dr. Michael Williams who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Deb Granda.
- President David Thorson announced that the planned Foundation celebration at the Neon Museum has been postponed.
- Deb Granda inducted new member Met Simon with his brother, an Assistant Governor from the Philippines, helping out.
- Shannon Brown and Sheryl Trupp from Beckley Elementary reported that with the money the LV Rotary Foundation gave them, they were able to purchase play ground equipment and supplies needed for English as a second language classes. They also reported that there was a record number of (290) people for the most recent Breakfast with Books.
- Past President Tom Thomas reminded us that there is will be an open position on the Foundation Board. If you are interested, please contact Tom, Larry Rouse or Shawn.
- Past President Ginger Anderson announced to the club that the Shakespeare Festival trip will be August 25, 2017 in Cedar City, Utah.
- Jackie Thornhill announced that the next Wetzel awards will be on June 8, 2017 at Nellis AFB.
- Carolyn Sparks reminded us of the Paul Harris Fellow point matching program that runs through June 30th.
- Tim Mullin reminded us of the 51’s Game with the Airmen from Nellis on May 27th.
- Bill Steiren reminded us of the Atomic Test Site Tour on May 24th.
- Deb Granda filled us in on plans for a great time at District Conference in Palm Springs May 19-21.
- 25 Club President Chris Bennett reminded us of the 25 Club Social at Rodney Tucker’s Gun Club on May 12.
- Marie Walsh informed us of record attendance at the most recent Breakfast with Books and discussed the great success we have had with the program this school year.
- Kirk Alexander told us about the Corazon Superbuild. The house was built in record time and the family was very appreciative.
- Mike Ballard announced the speaker, Henderson Mayor Andy Hafen. Mayor Hafen reported that the economy in Henderson is flourishing. Lake Las Vegas is rebounding, Union Village is becoming one of the largest healthcare villages in the country and the community is benefitting from national retail and restaurant chains.
- President David Thorson presented the speaker with the Sole Power Award and adjourned the meeting.