The Wheel for June 8, 2017

by Jun 8, 2017The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Clark Dumont – MGM Resorts International

Clark DumontClark Dumont, M.S., APR is Senior Vice President & Chief of Staff to the Chairman & CEO of MGM Resorts International (NYSE: MGM). He previously served as Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, where he led the company’s Executive Communications, Corporate Citizenship and Public Affairs functions. As Chief of Staff he also chairs the company’s Executive Communications Council, and Communications Management Team.

He has served in senior Communications positions with BAE Systems, Inc.; Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield and Blue Cross & Blue Shield of New Hampshire, and Nevada Cancer Institute. He began his career as a broadcast journalist.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree from American University and a Master’s Degree in Communications Management from Syracuse University. He is accredited as a public relations practitioner by the Public Relations Society of America (APR) and is a member of the Arthur W. Page Society. He serves on the Dean’s Council at the Greenspun School of Urban Affairs at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He has also served on the National Dean’s Council of the Columbia School of Arts & Sciences at George Washington University.

His volunteerism portfolio includes chairing a community United Way Campaign, serving as a board member of public radio and public television stations, City Year as well as other health and social agencies, including the Board of Directors the American Red Cross of Southern Nevada, where he received the Board Member Recognition Award in 2017.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

I was in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend with my daughter who was participating in a singing competition. I lived in Chicago about 20 years ago and it was impressive to see the significant improvements made in some previously somewhat seedy parts of the downtown area and the associated development of high-rent residential and retail projects.

Despite all this apparent progress, the proliferation of homeless people and beggars was impossible to ignore, particularly given their rather aggressive “solicitation” tactics.

Seeing this juxtaposition of conspicuous wealth with abject poverty made me reflect on why this should be the case in what is still the richest country on earth. This naturally brought me back to what we have learned in deploying our Club’s mission. Although undoubtedly mental illness plays a role in some of the poverty I witnessed, we know that the failure to develop literacy skills in early childhood is, perhaps, the most significant contributor to limiting opportunity.

Developing literacy and other life skills is a long-term project and the societal results may not be apparent for years or even decades. That being said, we should all rest assured that the time and treasure ourClub is devoting to this very essential cause will benefit our community markedly in the years to come.

I look forward to a time when any of us can walk around Las Vegas, or even Chicago, and mix and mingle with our fellow citizens in an environment where all people have been provided the basic skills necessary for success.

David Thorson
President 2016 -2017
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – June 1, 2017

  • President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
  • Sidra Kain gave the invocation. Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing the National Anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Mike Ballard.
  • There were (0) International Rotarian, (1) Visiting Rotarians, and (3) Guests of Rotarians that were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $8,082.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Past President Steve Linder who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Sidra Kain.
  • The June birthdays were honored and Sidra Kain lead the club in singing “Happy Birthday.”
  • President David Thorson advised the club that June 29th will be a Club Assembly and prime rib day!
  • President David Thorson informed the club that the Summerlin Rotary is in need of balloon wranglers for the 4th of July parade. Volunteers get $40 towards their next Paul Harris.
  • Carolyn Sparks reminded everyone that the PHF match from the club is only good through the end of June.
  • Past President Ginger Anderson reminded the members that the Shakespeare Festival is August 28, 2017.
  • Deb Granda informed members that the next new member orientation is at her home on June 27, 2017.
  • Greg McGuire announced that the Debunking party will be held on June 22, 2017 at 6:30pm in the Antilles Ballroom at Treasure Island.
  • President David Thorson announced that the next Wetzel awards will be on June 8, 2017 at 2:30pm at Nellis Air Force Base.
  • Erik Astramecki announced that the Alpine picnic will be held at Tom Thomas’s on July 22, 2017
  • David Squire reminded the Club of our highway clean up on Saturday 6/3 at 7:00am.
  • Bill Steiren, Past President Randy Donald and Larry Rouse discussed their experiences on the Atomic Test Site Tour.
  • Tim Mullin announced that the LV Rotary sponsored (100) service members and their families for the 51s baseball game.
  • Larry Tomsic introduced the speaker, Tifferney White, President and CEO of the DISCOVERY Children’s Museum. The museum is 26 years old and has been in their beautiful new location adjacent to the Smith Center for 4 years. They have interactive programs such as “Solve It” a program that teaches children how to solve crimes. They also have an outreach program called “DISCOVERY on Wheels,” that goes out to local schools teaching science and engineering.
  • President David Thorson presented the speaker with the Sole Power Award and adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Clark Dumont
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