The Wheel for July 6, 2017
Listen to Paul Moradkhan – LV Metro Chamber
The Wheel

Paul Moradkhan – LV Metro Chamber
Paul Moradkhan serves as the Vice President of Government Affairs for the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce. The Las Vegas Metro Chamber is the largest and most diverse business organization in Nevada, representing thousands of employers and employees. Moradkhan oversees the Las Vegas Metro Chamber’s legislative advocacy and public policy efforts at the local, state and federal levels of government. He is responsible for driving initiatives to protect and strengthen Southern Nevada’s economy, create jobs and build a strong and competitive workforce for the future.
He previously served as Director of Government Affairs for the Las Vegas Metro Chamber, where he was the primary liaison at the local government level and worked closely to develop and implement strategies to advance the policy priorities for Southern Nevada’s business community. Prior to joining the Las Vegas Metro Chamber in 2010, Moradkhan was the Senior Corps Project Director for Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada. He began his career in public policy by working for a Member of Congress from Southern Nevada.
A graduate of University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a Bachelor of Arts in English in 2003, Moradkhan received his master’s degree in Public Policy from Pepperdine University in 2005.
Moradkhan also serves on several boards for various community organizations such as the College of Southern Nevada Institutional Advisory Council, UNLV Alumni Association Board of Directors, and the Clark County School District School-Community Partnership Program.
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
Welcome to a new Rotary year in which we will continue to “Make a Difference.”
Last Wednesday evening I was fortunate to attend the induction ceremony of my father, George Gordon, who will serve as the President of the Rotary Club of Bellville, South Africa for the 2017-18 year. I have not heard of many father-son combinations serving as Rotary Presidents during the same year, much less on different continents! Despite the transatlantic nature of the trip, the values of Rotary held true with the reciting of the Four Way Test, the excellent evening program as well as the camaraderie of old (and new) friendships.
This truly is an organization that reaches far beyond our imaginary limits.
Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas
Member Highlights
President Dave also recognized other members of the club Bill Houghton, Captain Kirk, Rob Telles, Larry Tomsic, PP Steve Linder and PP Jim Tucker.
Scribe – June 29, 2017
- President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
- Bob Fisher gave the invocation. President David Thorson’s daughter Maya led the club in singing The National Anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Ted McAdam.
- There were (0) International Rotarian, (0) Visiting Rotarians, and (6) Guests of Rotarians that were introduced.
- The drawing began at $9,111.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Janice Lencke who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Jaime Goldsmith.
- President David Thorson recognized the Lawry’s staff for their hard work and then presented the following awards: Jaime Goldsmith – June’s 4 Way Test Coin, Deb Granda – Paul Harris Coin for club service throughout the year
- President David Thorson announced Janice Lencke as Rotarian of the Year and thanked her for all her incredible service throughout the year.
- Carolyn Sparks presented Club First Lady Chieko Thorson with a Paul Harris Award and Deb Granda presented her with a gift basket for her service during the year.
- Deb Granda inducted new member Dave Sajak.
- Deb Granda gave an overview of the Membership Committee with the help of Janet Linder, Rosalee Hedrick and Ted McAdam.
- Dave Lester gave a presentation on this year’s community service projects: SOAR, the canned food drive, Santa Clothes, The Wetzel Awards, school outreach, Highway Clean Up, Spread the Word Nevada, 51s Game, United Way’s Day of Caring, Magical Forrest, Goodie Two Shoes, Dan Stover Music Contest and RYLA.
- Melanie Muldowny gave an overview of this year’s International Service Projects that included Rotaplast, Dialysis and Wastwater Infrastructure projects in Bangalore, India, Corozon Super Build and the Youth Exchange Program.
- Carolyn Sparks reviewed the funds raised for the Rotary International Foundation, Wine to Water, Cars for a Cause and Polio Plus.
- Rob Telles reviewed how we elevated our website and other PR accomplishments.
- Janice Lencke announced that the Cars for a Cause event raised over $15,000 for the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation.
- Larry Rouse reported that the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation is now up to $1.91 million.
- Anil Melnick reviewed the fellowship activities; Tailgate Party, Holiday Party, Atomic Test Site Tour and the 25 Club Events.
- President David Thorson ended the meeting by thanking the club for “the best year” of his life and the meeting was adjourned.