The Wheel for July 13, 2017
Listen To Mike Rosten, CPA, CFE – PBTK Fraud Investigator
The Wheel

Mike Rosten, CPA, CFE – PBTK Fraud Investigator
When he’s not out hiking Mt. Charleston or planning his annual hike to the peak of Mt. Whitney, Mike Rosten, CPA and Certified Fraud Examiner is directing the forensic accounting and litigation services at PBTK, which includes fraud investigations. In this capacity, he focuses on sifting through financial transactions to resolve allegations or evaluate suspicions, interpreting the data and then presenting it in a court-of-law. He is a seasoned professional with the confidence that comes with more than 25 years of litigation support and accounting experience.
Message From The President

Member Highlights
Smiley faces at the July Birthday table: PP Kathy Dalvey, PP Steve Linder, Arleen Sirois and Deb Granda.
Scribe – July 6, 2017
- President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order for his first official meeting as president!
- PP Mary Ann Avnet gave the invocation. Erik Astramecki led the club in singing the National Anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Howie Hopkinson.
- There were (0) International Rotarian, (1) Visiting Rotarians, and (5) Guests of Rotarians that were introduced.
- The drawing began at $9,111.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Howie Hopkinson who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Doug Grant.
- President Michael Gordon recognized the new 2017-18 club board.
- Kirk Holmes announced that there are advertising opportunities on the LV Rotary Website and in The Wheel for the new Rotary year.
- The July Birthdays were recognized and Howie Hopkinson and Sidra Kain led the song.
- President Elect Jim Kohl announced that host families are needed to house golfers for the Girls Junior American Cup July 29-August 3, 2017.
- PP Russ Swain announced that the UNLV tailgate party is September 30, 2017.
- PP Ginger Anderson reminded the club that the Shakespeare Festival is August 26, 2017 and Nancy Slitz is hosting a brunch.
- President Michael Gordon announced that we need volunteers for the PBS Telethon on August 10, 2017.
- Jerry Sennes announced that the next Highway Clean Up is August 5, 2017.
- Erik Astramecki announced that we will be planting trees at the Alpine Picnic on July 22, 2017.
- PDG Rampur Viswanath presented PP David Thorson with a Rotary International brief case.
- PP David Thorson announced his new position as Assistant Governor.
- Sidra Kain introduced the speaker, Paul Moradkhan, the VP of Government Affairs for the LV Metro Chamber of Commerce. He discussed the Chamber’s work with the State Legislature to reduce regulations for businesses, make the government more efficient, and help to build a future workforce. He also touched on the importance of Twitter as a liaison between elected officials and the citizens.
- President Michael Gordon presented the speaker with a “Sole Power” award and adjourned the meeting