The Wheel for January 25, 2018

by Jan 25, 2018The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Joselyn Cousins – Federal Reserve Bank

Joselyn Cousins manages the SF Fed Field Group which partners with financial institutions, community- based organizations and government agencies to address pressing community development needs impacting low-income neighborhoods and households. Joselyn also serves as the regional manager for Arizona and Nevada where she provides technical assistance and training on successful initiatives and programs which include affordable housing, healthy communities, asset building, small business development and access to financial services.

Joselyn has an extensive background in community development in the private and public sectors. Prior to joining the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Joselyn was the vice president of community development for United Way of Southern Nevada where she directed and managed the community impact team in developing strategies to address local issues in the areas of education, financial stability, and health. She has many years of banking experience working as a Community Reinvestment Officer for both small and
large financial institutions in Nevada. Joselyn earned her Bachelor’s degree in Administration from California State University, San Bernardino.


Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Since our club’s adoption of our mission statement, we have been diligently working with Will Beckley Elementary School to improve youth literacy.

One of the many hands-on projects at the school is to help with “Breakfast with Books” – the book distribution effort open to both enrolled students and their families. Each family member receives a free book, juice box, and snack on the second Tuesday morning of every month. Students who complete reading assignments receive an entry into the raffle, while the entire event reinforces the importance of reading as a family activity, which parents are encouraged to continue at home.

Marie Walsh and John Ingeme have done yeoman’s work at Beckley ES setting up and checking families in at these get-togethers. Marie knows the secret of marketing constantly recruiting other Rotarians, publicizing the monthly gathering and reporting on final numbers from the most recent event. At last week’s meeting, it was reported that a whopping 39% of the participating students completed reading logs during winter break. That is the highest number of reading logs for any of the 51 schools participating in these monthly gatherings!

If you ever wonder how the Rotary Club of Las Vegas is “Making a Difference” in our local community, you have to look no further than our efforts in improving youth literacy. Join us on the second Tuesday of the month to see it for yourself!

Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

Member Highlights

Scribe – January 18, 2018

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order. PP Sharon McNair gave the invocation.  Marie Walsh led the club in singing God Bless America, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The Sergeant at Arms was Doug Grant.
  • Bill Stieren introduced our program speaker, Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, who is the 7th elected sheriff in town. He is currently serving his 4th year and does plan to run again.  Sheriff Lombardo provided a history of the LVMPD as well as explained the uniqueness of his position as an elected official and his roles in governing the police department and prison. Reported that crime in LV had dropped 1% this year in comparison to the rest of the nation that saw a 7% increase in violent crimes. Additionally, reported that after steering away from the specialized investigation of crime and into globalization, the percentage of crimes solved in LV grew from 3% to 28%. He encouraged the club members to speak with their elected officials about increasing funds for community policing. President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need.
  • There were (0) International Rotarians, (2) visiting Rotarian and (9) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
  • PP Jim Tucker announced that there are a couple squares left for sale on the Super Bowl Board.
  • Janet Linder updated the club on the health of club member, Ted McAdam. Glenn Meier read Deb Granda’s letter to the club updating them on her husband, Bill’s health condition, and prognosis. President Michael provided an update on PP Karen Whisenhunt’s husband Tom’s upcoming surgery.
  • 25 Club President Kirk Holmes provided feedback on the 25 Club Social that was held on Tuesday at Lawry’s Cocktail Lounge.
  • Marie Walsh reported that although numbers were down, 54 children completed their reading logs of 10 books each, which was the highest of all the schools.
  • PEE Jackie Thornhill reminded members of the Paul Harris matching opportunity.
  • Larry Rouse proposed to the group the addition of Dan Adamson as the new Foundation Trustee.
  • PE Jim Kohl presented checks to Jr. Achievement ($3,500), the USO ($5,000), and to the Foundation of Independent Tomorrow ($5,500).
  • Janet Linder inducted new members, Chris Way and Adam Hommey to the LV Rotary Club.
  • The club was shown the Zone2526 video “People of Action” and 25 Club President Kirk Holmes demonstrated how to “share” the live Facebook video feed on personal pages. Stu Lipoff added instruction on the club’s cyber resources through the website and the 5th wheel.
  • Bracken principal, Katie Decker, reported that she will be traveling to Pennsylvania to receive the National Title 1 Division School of the Year award for the second consecutive year.
  • PE Jim Kohl reminded the club of the upcoming Car Show on April 15th announcing that there are a few sponsor slots still available with instructions to email himself or Ryan Hamilton with interest.
  • President Michael announced that today is the last day to order a Rotary logo shirt. Additionally, reminded the club that there will not be a lunch meeting on April 5th, the day of the LV Rotary Club’s 95th Anniversary party at Lawry’s.
  • Kirk Alexander let the club know RYLA is approaching on March 16-18 and that facilitator applications are now being accepted.  
  • PP Russ Swain requested host homes for the German soccer players that will be in town for the Mayor’s Cup February 15-20.  Asked Rotarians to contemplate hosting 2 boys per home.
  • Tom Thomas presented a check for $12,500 for Breakfast with Books to place 30,000 books in the school.
  • The drawing began at $759 plus this week’s donations.  The ticket winner was PP Ginger Anderson and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Carolyn Sparks.
  • President Michael adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Kirk Alexander introduced his guest and friend Jennifer Cook.
LVRF president Larry Rouse announced Dam Adamson as a new member of the foundation board.
Marie Walsh led us in song and the Pledge or Allegiance.
PP Ginger Anderson missed the Joker for the pot.
PP Russ Swain ask members to host some of the incoming Mayors Cup Soccer Team.
President Elect Jim Kohl presented checks from his company Howard and Howard and our foundation. The checks were presented to the USO, Jr. Achievement and the Foundation of Independent Tomorrow.
President Michael and Janet Linder introduced our two new members Adam Hommey and Chris Way.
President Michael presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need.
Richard Jost was presented at the head table.
Sargent At Arms Doug Grant shared banners with Donna Friswell a Rotarian from Delaware.
Sharon McNair opened the meeting with an invocation.
Tom Thomas donated $12,500 to Breakfast with books to supply 30,000 books to the program.
Bill Stieren introduced our program speaker Sheriff Joseph Lombardo.
Carolyn Sparks won the Lawry Bucks with smiles.
Jerry Engle introduced his friend Diane who joined him for lunch and fellowship.
Katie Decker enjoyed lunch with a few of her outstanding staff.
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