The Wheel for January 18, 2018
Listen to Sheriff Joe Lombardo – LVMPD
The Wheel

Sheriff Joe Lombardo – LVMPD
Sheriff Joseph Lombardo began his law enforcement career in 1988 as a police officer with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
After 26 years on the force, Lombardo retired as a commissioned officer and was elected in 2014 as Sheriff of Clark County. In 2006, he completed his Masters of Science from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, as well as completing the 227th Session of the FBI National Academy. He is a 2013 graduate of the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) Police Executive Leadership Development Program.
Sheriff Lombardo maintains professional affiliations to include Major City Chiefs Association (MCCA), Major County Sheriffs Association (MCSA), National Sheriffs Association (NSA), and the Nevada Commission for Homeland Security.
He currently serves as Board Member on three non-profit organizations, the Nevada Child Seekers, Make-A-Wish Foundation and After-School- All-Stars.
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
As 2018 continues at breakneck speed (can you believe it’s been two weeks already?!), statisticians claim that the majority of us will have already failed in our New Year’s resolutions.
While the most common New Year’s resolutions involve some form of physical benefit (e.g. getting more exercise, eating healthy, getting more sleep), a typical secondary category focuses on the acquisition of new skills (e.g. learning a foreign language or starting a new hobby).
Despite the fact that the experts believe only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions, one category that is almost never mentioned – and easily achieved – is to focus more on altruism and service to others. Through your weekly meeting attendance, participation in our service projects and monthly financial contributions, you can be one of the 8% in 2018!
During this 95th year in our club’s history, let us all resolve to continue our good works in the Las Vegas valley through spreading the message to our friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Invite these non-Rotarians to one of our meetings or to a service project and let them see first-hand the magic that we’ve all experienced.
Whatever your time constraints, let’s all commit to “Make a Difference” by sharing the story of the greatest Rotary in the world!
Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas
Member Highlights
Jerry Engel missed his attempt at the Joker and has to settle for $10. Our speaker won the Lawry Bucks.
Pam Lang from Spread The Word Nevada expressed her appreciation for our club’s participation at Beckley ES.
PP’s Russ Swain and Kathy Dalvey share the honors along with Gary Vause in winning the Fantasy Football Challenge.
President Michael presents our speaker John Hester the President and CEO of Southwest Gas our Share What You Can award.
Scribe – January 11, 2018
Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: January 11, 2018
- President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order and wished everyone a Happy New Year. PP Tom Krob gave the invocation. PP Russ Swain led the club in singing God Bless America, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Jimmelle Siarot.
- There were (2) International Rotarians, (3) visiting Rotarian and (5) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
- The drawing began at $654 plus this week’s donations. The ticket winner was Jerry Engel and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was John Hester, the speaker, who donated his winnings back to the club.
- Janelle Lozano provided feedback and gratitude for the baby shower thrown for Pres. Michael and Amanda Gordon and Janelle and Rory Lozano by the Friends and Family of the LV Rotary Club on Sunday, January 7th at the home of PP Randy and Sally Donald.
- PEE Jackie Thornhill presented the Paul Harris matching opportunity with the club matching 50% of a member’s donation.
- Beckley Elementary principal’s Shannon Brown was presented with a check for $1,000 by President Michael. Shannon reported that the funds would go toward science and social studies curriculum and announced that they will be planning a dedication of their new building soon and invited Rotarians to attend.
- Pam Lang, executive director of Spread the Word Nevada reported that since Rotary’s partnership, 29,380 books have been given to a total of 2,123 children of Beckley Elementary. Additionally, reported that a recent STWN hire was also a recipient of books in elementary school 16 years ago and has now graduated UNLV and has been accepted into Law School.
- January birthday Rotarians were celebrated with PP Steve Linder leading the Happy Birthday song.
- PP Dave Thorson provided an overview of the $10,000 donation that went toward a health grant for women and supplied schools in Cambodia with plumbing. Additionally, he announced the date for President Michael’s Debunking party which will be on June 28th.
- President Michael reminded the club of the upcoming Car Show on April 15th.
- Anil Melnick reminded the club of the LV Rotary Club’s 95th Anniversary party on April 5th at Lawry’s.
- PP Jim Hunt announced the March 16th Cigar Social to be held at PP Tom Krob’s home.
- PP Russ Swain requested host homes for the German soccer players that will be in town for the Mayor’s Cup February 15-20. Asked Rotarians to contemplate hosting 2 boys per home.
- President Michael announced the New Member Orientation to be held at Steve and Janet Linder’s home on February 6th and the next Breakfast with Books to be held on January 16th.
- PP Jim Tucker introduced Superbowl Board for $50 a square.
- 25 Club President Kirk Holmes announced the next 25 Club Social to be held at Lawry’s Cocktail Lounge on Tuesday, January 16th at 6 pm.
- President Michael handed out checks to the winners of the Fantasy Football Leagues: PP Russ Swain for $150 and Gary Vause for $700. 50% of the funds ($1250) went to the LV Rotary Foundation.
- PP Tom Thomas introduced our program speaker, John Hester, president and CEO of Southwest Gas Cooperation. The company provides natural gas to more than 2 million customers in Nevada, Arizona, and California. Informed the group that a good majority of the gas we use here in Las Vegas comes from Wyoming. Also, that there are many different options when it comes to supplying the ever-growing Southern Nevada with gas to include pipelines from Texas and New Mexico. The average monthly bill for a customer in southern Nevada is $35. The bottom line is that Southwest Gas Coop. has enough options to competitively source the needs of their evergrowing customer base while keeping costs low. Finally, talked about renewable natural gas opportunities in the future.
- President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.