The Wheel for December 21, 2017
The Wheel

Christmas Caroling
Message From The President
“Santa Clothes” Program exceeds $1,000,000.00 in total giving!
The 22nd Annual “Santa Clothes” event was held on December 7th in Las Vegas. Hundreds of members of nine area Rotary Clubs and dedicated volunteers lead by the Rotary Club of Las Vegas shopped with 365 children in need with a budget of $200.00 per child. After purchasing shoes, socks, pants, shirts, sweaters and jackets at three local JC Penney Stores, the Children then went to the University of Las Vegas Nevada where kids ages 6-12, played sports and interacted with UNLV Football, Soccer and Baseball Players, as well as Cheerleaders and Coaches.
In an auditorium, the children were welcomed by UNLV’s President, the Athletic Director and, Santa Claus. They were then treated to lunch and each given a backpack that contained a wooden toy and dental kits. Before leaving, each participant also received a sports ball.
Special guests taking part in this year’s event included District Governor Raghada Khoury and Rotarian Magazine Journalist Kevin Cook.
The “Santa Clothes” program began in 1996 when 35 children participated with a budget of $5,250. This year, the value of goods and services totaled $148,735.38. The total number of children assisted through the program since 1996 is now 4,953. With this year’s campaign, the total value of goods and services since the inception of the program now exceeds $1,000,000.00!
PP Jim Hunt
Member Highlights
Scribe – December 14, 2017
- President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order.
- Francesca Gilbert gave the invocation. Tyler Wistisen led the club in singing Winter Wonderland, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Mike Cudiamat.
- There were (1) International Rotarians, (3) visiting Rotarians and (3) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
- The drawing began at $1,662 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Arleen Sirois who picked the Joker!! The Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Jerry Engel.
- PP Jim Hunt thanked everyone who participated in a most successful Santa Clothes on Dec. 7th, a project raising more than $1 million to clothe more than 4900 children since inception; Jaime Goldsmith confirmed the success of the Holiday Party; Marie Walsh announced another successful Breakfast With Books attended by a total 249 children and adults; and Beckley Principal Shannon Brown invited members to attend one of two showings of the ‘Polar Bear Express’ Dec. 21 st at 9:00 a.m. or 1:30 p.m.
- Erik Astramecki reminded members of the new sponsorship plans for the Annual Car Show and the next Highway Clean Up on December 16th at 8 am.
- Foundation President Larry Rouse reminded members of End of Year Giving to the Foundation and the kickoff of the JA Tiberti Fellow, a new program to recognize contributors of $1,000 or more to the LVRF, as well as a vacancy on the Foundation Board;
- PEE Jackie Thornhill recognized recipients of the 4th Quarter Wetzel Awards, two of whom were able to attend the meeting, and announced the 1st Quarter Awards will be held on March 8, 2018.
- Stu Lipoff provided an overview of the many cyber resources available to Club members, with more to follow in the coming week from “Captain Kirk”
- PP David Thorson mentioned the Debunking Committee for President Michael is being formed, inviting members to sign up.
- Bill Houghton announced Rotary shirts, short and long sleeve options, will be available.
- The Salvation Army Toy Drive distribution will be taking place between 3-6 p.m at Cashman Field on Saturday 12/16 and Randy Donald announced JC Penney donated about 150 backpacks remaining from the Santa Clothes Project to the Salvation Army.
- Sidra Kain introduced our speaker program Bob Brown, President and CEO of Opportunity Village. A video of a special client of OV since 2010 was shown, demonstrating the scope of help it provides to the disabled and enabled, working to improve the quality of life for those with intellectual and related disabilities. It was explained that the #1 task of every OV employee is to ‘make a connection with somebody’ and the OV Way includes connections, enthusiasm, productivity, stewardship, and development. Opportunity Village, started by 7 families with children who had disabilities in 1954, has grown in so many ways, expanding beyond the janitorial business and training, making a difference to so many people.
- President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.