The Wheel for August 3, 2017

by Aug 3, 2017The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Mary Ann Avnet – Rotaplast

Everybody has a “thing” and Mary Ann knew immediately that Rotaplast was her thing. She has now done three missions with Rotaplast. In 2011, District 5300 sponsored their first Rotaplast mission as District Governor Roger Schulte’s international project. From the moment that she heard about the upcoming mission to Guatemala at District Assembly, Mary Ann was determined to go with them. For two weeks, she served as the Medical Records Coordinator while collecting her “Rotary Moments”.

In October of 2016, Mary Ann spent two weeks in Sylhet, Bangladesh where she was excited to fulfill the role of Recreation Therapist. This is a great job if you like playing with kids! In Sylhet, they were fortunate enough to take over a vacant room near the ward, and each day she opened the playroom to patients, their siblings and their parents. But it was such an novelty that the doorway was often crowded with children and adults alike who just wanted to take in the fun happening in that room. It ended up not mattering if they were at the hospital because of Rotaplast. All were welcome in the playroom. By the time the Rotaplast team left Sylhet at the end of two weeks, the walls was covered with colorful pictures done by everyone who stopped in to draw, color or use markers. They did not speak the same language, but there was an abundance of understanding.

In May of 2017, District 5300 sponsored most of the mission that went to Lima, Peru and because of that, four local Rotarians, including Mary Ann, were fortunate enough to participate as non-medical volunteers Mary Ann was also the Recreation Therapist in Lima, but found that it was a much different experience-different but equally wonderful!

Mary Ann has been a member of the Las Vegas Rotary Club since 2006. She has served as a member of the Club Board of Directors for a total of 7 years. She was President of the 25 Club in 2007-2008, and served as President of the Club in 2015-2016. Mary Ann was the Team Leader of the Group Study Exchange month long trip to northern Chile in 2012. She chaired the following year’s incoming and outgoing GSE exchange with India, and she was honored to be the Rotarian of the Year in 2012. Her interests in Rotary have led her to be very involved with TLC and RYLA. She served as Assistant District Governor in 2016-2017.

Message From The President

We received the following letter from New Horizons Academy as a thank you for our $2500 donation:

Dear Rotary Foundation,

Our students, staff, and the Board of Directors at New Horizons Academy would like to thank you most sincerely for your generous monetary donation. Being a non-profit school and trying to keep tuition for our special children to a minimum, we depend on charitable organizations with a big heart, and generous persons such as you, for periodic support. Please know that we appreciate your help. Your donation will help ensure the academic success of our students.


Barbara Bidell, Principal
New Horizons Academy
New Horizons Center for Learning
(702) 876-1181 (Office)

Member Highlights

Scribe – July 27, 2017

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order.
  • Jaime Goldsmith gave the invocation. Bob Werner (as impromptu song leader) led the club in singing the “God Bless America.” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Doug Grant.
  • There were (0) International Rotarians, (3) Visiting Rotarians, and (13) Guests of Rotarians that were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $10,586.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Kathy Dalvey who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: David Lester.
  • Larry Rouse introduced a motion to elect Bob Werner as new trustee for the LV Rotary Foundation Board. Bob Fisher seconded the motion and the club voted unanimously to approve.
  • PDG Rampur Viswanath gave a presentation outlining his initiative to create a new international Rotary Action Group (RAG) focused on sustainability. The RAG will specifically focus on programs to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
  • Major Randy Kinnamon expressed the urgent need for bottled water at the Salvation Army. Please bring donations to 35 W. Owens or 2900 Palomino Lane.
  • President Michael Gordon presented PP Tom Thomas with a 4 Way Test Coin to honor his service of planting trees and hosting the annual picnic.
  • PP Randy Donald announced that the next cigar social will be at his home on September 8, 2017.
  • Jackie Thornhill announced that the next Wetzel Awards ceremony at Nellis AFB will be on September 7, 2017.
  • Anna Karabachev announced the next 25Club social on August 23. It will be a private concert by a local musician.
  • PP Tom Axtell announced that we still need volunteers for the Vegas PBS Telethon on August 10, 2017 at 6pm.
  • Janice Lencke received a $95 fine for her 80s outfit!
  • PP Ginger Anderson introduced the speaker, Joshua Stavros, Media and Public Relations Manager for the Utah Shakespeare Festival. He was very excited to share that the following productions will be available during the festival: As You Like It, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare In Love, A Mid Summer Night’s Dream, Guys and Dolls, Treasure Island, William Shakespeare’s Long Lost First Play (abridged), How To Fight Loneliness, and The Tavern.
  • President Michael Gordon presented the speaker with a “Sole Power” award and adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
David Lester won the Lawry Bucks
President Michael presented our speaker Joshua Stavros with the Utah Shakespeare Festival our Sole Power Award.
Bob was recognized as the latest trustee of the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation.
Salvation Army Major Randy Kinnamon shared the urgent need for bottled water.
Past District Governor Rampur Viswanath introduced us to Rotary Action Groups.
Jaime Goldsmith opened our meeting with an invocation
Bob Werner led us in song.
President Michael recognized Tom Thomas with a 4-Way test coin for hosing the Alpine Picnic.
Janet Lencke showed off on of her event outfits. What a pleasant presentation. FUN FUN FUN
Past President Randy Donald announced that the next cigar fellowship event will be held at his Home on Sept 8th.
Tom Axtell stated that PBS needs volunteers for the next telethon.
Aw shucks! Past President missed the Joker. Not lucky!
Jackie Thornhill expressed that the next Wetzel Awards will be held on Sept 7th
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