The Wheel for August 17, 2017

by Aug 17, 2017The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Noah Hoefs – Hyperloop-One

Noah Hoefs spent the first part of his career managing the development and implementation of new facilities and programs for a nationally renowned medical transport company. Upon moving to Las Vegas, Noah made the transition into the role of Project Manager for the construction of two museum complexes, the Springs Preserve, which was the first LEED platinum campus in the United States, and the Nevada State Museum. Noah was the Assistant Construction Manager on Southern Nevada Water Authority’s Intake No. 3 and Low Lake Level Pump Station with an estimated cost of $1.5 billion dollars. Noah has now engaged his knowledge and experience to help develop the future mode of transport: Hyperloop-One.

The world’s transportation networks are not keeping up. They are full to the point of overflowing. Complex, congested and inefficient, they take too long to get us where we need to go. The inefficiencies of our transportation networks lead to waste–wasted energy, time, and opportunities. It is time for a new mode of transportation that is direct, on-demand, autonomous, and connects all forms of transportation.

Hyperloop-One believes in innovation and bold ideas. Hyperloop-One’s vision is to reinvent transportation to eliminate the barriers of distance and time. Hear what Hyperloop-One is doing to bring this dream to reality.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Being a member of an international organization such as Rotary has its benefits. For instance, there is power in our collective effort (e.g. reducing worldwide polio cases by 99% since 1988) and we get to experience the different cultures of Rotary through our youth exchange program as well as meeting international guests at our weekly gatherings. While each may speak his or her own language, we all share the ideals of Rotary through our adherence to the 4-Way Test.

One of the downsides of such a large organization is that we aren’t always aware of all the opportunities we have simply due to the size and scope of all the worldwide activities. On top of that, it is not often that we have the unique occasion to be charter members of a new Rotary International initiative. This is exactly something that PDG Rampur Viswanath is offering to us. His proposed Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Rotarian Action Group
(Re3RAG) is focused on sustainability and aims to responsibly deal with resources and waste.

As club President, I feel proud to support one of my club members on his international effort that has tremendous potential to serve Rotary and benefit mankind. It is certainly a great opportunity for all of us to consider signing up for charter membership. By signing up, a member only indicates that s/he is in support of this effort, there are no membership dues at this time. Also, one does not have to work in the environmental field since membership is open to the whole family of Rotary. Once RI approves this new RAG then it will be up to the individual to decide whether s/he wants to remain part of this effort.

As President, I’m in full support of PDG Rampur’s effort and wish him all success in forming this new Rotarian Action Group.

Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

Member Highlights

Scribe – August 11, 2017

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order.
  • Arleen Sirois gave the invocation.  Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing the national anthem. Chris Rodenfels led the club in reciting the 4-Way Test. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at- Arms was Rod Tucker.
  • There were (1) International Rotarian, (3) Visiting Rotarians, and (7) Guests of Rotarians that were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $12,078.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation.  Ticket Winner: Arleen Sirois who won the pot!  Lawry Bucks Winner: Doug Grant.
  • Jim Frey from the Green Valley Rotary announced that they are hosting a bicycle ride with a goal of 200 riders on October 21, 2017.
  • Beckley Principal Shannon Brown shared their focus for the upcoming school year: parent involvement, progressive discipline, professional learning environment and ensuring that all students are performing at their appropriate grade level. Assistant Principal Cheryl Trupp expressed a need for Books with Buddies mentors and announced that the next Breakfast with Books will be on 9/12/17 at 8am. There will also be a Harvest Festival at 4pm on 10/20/17.
  • PDG Rampur Viswanath discussed his initiative to start the Rotary Action Group, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
  • PP Jim Hunt reminded the club about the Cigar Fellowship on 9/8/17 at 6pm.
  • PP Ginger Anderson reminded the club that the Utah Shakespeare Festival trip to Cedar City is August 26-27, 2017.
  • Jaime Goldsmith announced that the next Family of Rotary luncheon is at Marche Bacchus at noon on August 18, 2017.
  • 25 Club President Erik Astramecki announced that there will be a Halloween Costume Party to help raise money for the canned food drive on 10/27/17.
  • Anna Karabachev announced that the next 25 club social on August 23, 2017 at 5:30pm is now sold out.
  • Bob Fisher introduced the speaker, PP Tom Axtell, General Manager at Vegas PBS. Tom discussed the history of PBS as an educational resource for the American public to be able to compete in the world. PBS invented closed captioning and other resources for people with special needs. Vegas PBS provides online training for adults, a special needs library and programs for the blind.
  • President Michael Gordon presented the speaker with a “Sole Power” award and adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Past President Ginger Anderson shares information about the Shakespeare Festival.
Chris Bennett discusses the Fantasy Football promotion.
PBS Volunteers
Our speaker Tom Axtell is joined for lunch by his right and left hand wonderful employees Lynette and Bernie.
Sergeant-At-Arms Rodney Tucker shared banners with a visitor from South Carolina.
PBS Volunteers
Jaime Goldsmith led us in singing the National Anthem.
PBS Volunteers
Doug Grant wins the Lawry bucks. Oh, if only they could have exchanged the drawing!
PBS Volunteers
PBS Volunteers
President Michael presented Ton Axtell with a check for $5000 to be used to provide Captioned Media.
PBS Volunteers
PBS Volunteers
Arleen Sirois opened our meeting with a prayer.
Arleen Sirois wins the giant pot...lucky gal.
PBS Volunteers
Our International Youth Exchange Chair Kimberly Brodeur introduced our exchange student.
Bob Werner shares fellowship with Amanda Gordon.
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Rotary International
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