The Wheel for August 10, 2017

by Aug 10, 2017The Wheel0 comments

Tom Axtell – Vegas PBS

Tom Axtell has been General Manager of Vegas PBS in Las Vegas Nevada, since 1994. Born in Chicago Illinois, he has worked at both television and radio stations in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Fargo/Morehead, Spokane, and Milwaukee. Tom has also served as a College Vice President for Advancement, legislative aid to a state senator, political campaign manager, and swimming coach.

Under his leadership, Vegas PBS has developed new business models to serve K-12 education, assist workforce training, and advance emergency communication services. Tom has served on numerous national and local boards, most recently as professional vice-chair of the national PBS Board.

Tom graduated from Gonzaga University Law School, and earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Macalester College. He has been married for 39 years and has twin daughters.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

I believe that we will all agree that we could do more good in our community if our exceptional club had more resources and members. Although this makes intuitive sense, it all starts with each of us taking the Rotary message to the world – telling people about our projects, inviting guests to lunch or just sharing relevant information on your social media accounts. (If you aren’t following our club on all the relevant social media channels, please see Rob Telles or Kirk Holmes.)

One of the easiest ways to promote the “Making a Difference” attitude of Rotary is, of course, to engage through traditional media channels. Promoting Rotary to the general public can be as simple as wearing your Rotary pin or as elaborate as organizing an integrated marketing campaign. By increasing the public’s understanding of Rotary we’re strengthening our ability to make an impact in communities around the world.

Tonight, we have a unique opportunity offered through the foresight and ingenuity of PP Tom Axtell. “Win-win” is business speak that often makes people roll their eyes, but in this case, we truly have an event that will benefit both Vegas PBS and the Las Vegas Rotary Club. While we’ll volunteer our time in participating in their telethon, our members are allowed to use this occasion to wear all the Rotary insignia they want – all on live TV! What a wonderful opportunity for us to showcase our club.

If you have the time and want to showcase the good works of our club on live television, please join us tonight at 6 pm at the Vegas PBS studios.

Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

Member Highlights

Scribe – August 3, 2017

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order
  • Bob Fisher gave the invocation.  Jerry Engel led the club in singing the “God Bless America.” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Rod Tucker.
  • There were (0) International Rotarians, (3) Visiting Rotarians, and (7) Guests of Rotarians that were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $11,243.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Arleen Sirois who won $10!  Lawry Bucks Winner: Kirk Alexander.
  • Kimberly Brodeur announced that host families are needed for foreign exchange students for 6 months.
  • PP Jim Tucker announced that there are advertising opportunities available in the Wheel for $8 a week.
  • Major Randy Kinnamon expressed the urgent need for bottled water at the Salvation Army and thanked the club for helping the Army thus far.
  • Jackie Thornhill presented Jaime Goldsmith and Mia Melnick with Paul Harris Fellow pins.
  • Ty Salazar discussed the SOAR ceremony that will be held at 8am on September 18, 2017 at Las Vegas City Hall.
  • PP Randy Donald announced that the next cigar social will be held on September 8, 2017 at his house.
  • Jackie Thornhill announced that the next Wetzel Awards will be on September 7, 2017 at Nellis Air Force Base.
  • President Michael Gordon reminded the club that the trip to the Utah Shakespeare Festival will take place the weekend of August 26-27, 2017.
  • Anna Karabachev announced that the next 25 club social is August 23, 2017 at 5:30pm.
  • Pam Samoulis announced that the next “Family of Rotary” luncheon is at Marche Bacchus on Friday August 18, 2017 at noon.
  • The speaker this week was PP Mary Ann Avnet who discussed her recent Rotaplast journeys to both Bangladesh and Peru. The purpose of Rotaplast missions is to correct cleft lips and palates. She assisted in the play room, giving comfort to children and parents during the long hours of waiting for the operations to be completed.
  • President Michael Gordon presented the speaker with a “Sole Power” award and adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Dan Russell a long time member visited our club.
Past president Mary Ann poses with her husband Steve.
Arleen Sirois miss the Joker and the mega pot. Shucks!!
Robert Fisher opened our meeting with a invocation.
Bill Haughton is joined in fellowship and lunch with his daughter Page.
Jackie Thornhill and President Michael presented Paul Harris Fellows to Anil’s daughter Mia, and Jaime Goldsmith.
Anil Melnick introduced his daughter Mia who was also awarded with a Paul Harris Fellow.
Sergeant at Arms Rodney Tucker exchanges banners with a visiting Rotarian.
Rampur met with a visiting Rotarian who was interested in our club.
Jerry Engel split our membership into two singing groups. God Bless America and the Star Spangled Banner.
Pete Samuolis is joined for lunch with his wife Pam.
Kirk Alexander won this week’s drawing for the Lawry Bucks.
Past president Randy Donald introduces District Governor Nominee 2019-2020 Luanne “Lu” Arredondo.
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