The Wheel for September 22, 2016

by Sep 22, 2016Blog, The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Ernest Williams – Nevada Test Site

williamsBorn 20 Dec 1930 – Nebraska
1945 – 1949 – Attended Naponee High School
1951 – 1955 – Staff Sergeant, US Air Force – Korea
War Veteran
USAF Special Weapons Projects ( AFSWP)
Assembly & disassembly of Nuclear Devices
Financial Payroll Representative – 600 officers USAF,
Nellis AFB, NV
10 Jan 1955 – Honorably discharged from USAF
17 Jan 1955 – US Atomic Energy Commission – Federal Employment
1955 – Assigned to Engineering Division, NV Proving Grounds
1955 – 1958 – Office Manager, Enewetok Atoll, Marshall Islands
1958 – 1960 – Accountant, Finance Division, Albuquerque, NM
1960 – 1962 – Chief, General Ledger Section, Finance Division
1963 – 1966 – Assistant Administrative Officer, Test Division, NTS
1966 – 1983 – Planning Analyst, NTSSO & Budget Analyst, Planning &
Budget Division, NV Operations Office
1983 – 1986 – Budget Officer (Comptroller 1.5 billion dollars)
1 Aug 1986 – Retired from Department of Energy (34 ½ years)
1986 – 1990 – Public Relations Officer – Reeco contractor to DoE
1990 – 1992 – Senior Verification Representative Coordinator, Engineer
Treaty between United States and Russia working for Raytheon (Verification
of Nuclear Tests at NTS not to exceed 150 kilotons)
Threshold Test Ban Treaty signed June 1990 by USA & Russia
1993 – AWARD OF EXCELLENCE – Nuclear Weapons Program , DoE
Sept 2007 – Received a NV Congressional Recognition
1986 – 2015 – Senior Public Relations Representative – 29 years
2007 – 2015 – National Security Technology LLC, counterterrorism
64 years in Nuclear Weapons Program for the United States
Member of the Naponee Hicks-Siegel American Legion Post 0364
Member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10047 (lifetime member)

Message From The President

David ThorsonDear Fellow Rotarians,

We start the first day of fall today with a “bang”, as it were, with a presentation about the Nevada Test Site. This conversation is of particular interest to me for a number of reasons. On the personal side, I lived in Hiroshima, Japan for about two and half years and my wife is from there. I had the opportunity to go to the Peace Museum (what they call the museum about the atomic bombing) several times have also attended Toro Nagashi, a ceremony held on each anniversary of the bombing where 10,000 + paper and candle lanterns are floated down the local river to commemorate those lost.

As an additional twist, my stepfather was a Chief in the U.S. Navy during World War II and fought in the Pacific theater, including in some famous battles such as the campaign for Guam and Saipan.

Given this odd dichotomy, I have perhaps a somewhat unique perspective on the whole conversation about the development and use of nuclear weapons.

Without going into a deep philosophical exploration, I do find it interesting that both my stepfather and just about everybody I met in Hiroshima more or less agreed that the root issue was less about the weapon itself, and more about the problem of going to war in the first place. It is remarkable that in less than a single generation two countries could go from being such vicious enemies to very close allies.

Given the ability our two countries demonstrated to quickly leave the hatred behind and embrace friendship, I don’t think it is a coincidence that both countries have an extremely strong and deep tradition of Rotary. I don’t know if Rotary played a role in what transpired, but I would be willing to bet many Rotarians on sides of the Pacific were instrumental in achieving this transformation.

All this should give us confidence that as depressing as the current state of world affairs may be, there is hope for a better future and Rotarians will no doubt be in the forefront of driving that change.

David Thorson

President 2016 -2017

Member Highlights

Scribe – September 15, 2016

President David Thorson called the meeting and Club Assembly to order.
Bob Fisher gave the invocation. Arleen Sirios led the club in singing “America the Beautiful” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was 25 Club President Rob Pistone.
• There were no International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarian and (6) Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
• The drawing began at $753.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Deb Granda who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Bill Houghton.
Carolyn Sparks presented Past President Karen Whisenhunt with her Paul Harris Fellow +5 and +6. Blake Myers presented his wife, Lynn, with a Paul Harris Fellow Award. Francesca Gilbert presented Chris Bennett with a Paul Harris Fellow Award in appreciation for his work as the 25 Club Vice President.
Past President Mary Ann Avnet presented 17 members with perfect attendance awards.
President David Thorson discussed the club’s participation with Polio Plus and literacy in the local community and introduced the agenda for today’s Club Assembly.
Dave Lester discussed the various local service projects including Sole Power, Spread the Word Nevada, SOAR, and Rotarians at Work.
• Kirk Alexander gave an overview of the youth and vocational projects such as The Dan Stover Music Contest, the 4 Way Speech Contest, RYLA and TLC.
Melanie Muldowney presented information on the International projects: Corazon and Mayors Cup. She also demonstrated our ability to potentially use international grants, contributions from two Calgary clubs and district and RI matching funds to fund a local project with up to $200,000 with only $20,000 contribution from our club.
Larry Tomsic discussed the success of the guest speakers program.
Stu Lipoff gave a presentation on the new 5th Wheel electronic newsletter and event sign up.
Francesca Gilbert and Kirk Holmes discussed the club’s internet presence with Facebook and the LV Rotary Website redesign.
Janice Lencke and Michael Gordon review some information on the annual fundraiser, “Cars for a Cause.”
Tom Thomas detailed the workings of the LV Rotary Foundation as well as our goal of increasing the foundation to $2 Million.
Anil Melnick reviewed all of the social events including the Tailgate Party, Cigar Social and Holiday Party.
• President David Thorson adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
David Thorson
Anil Melnick reports on the club’s fellowship plans.
Blake Myers presents Paul Harris to wife Lyn
Bob Fisher delivers Invocation.
David Thorson and wife Chieko pose for a photo opp.
President David kicks off our first Club Assembly of 2016-2017.
Elise Hanseman enjoys a return visit to our club
Francesca Gilbert presents Paul Harris to Chris Bennett.
Visiting Rotarian Kathy Mahon enjoys fellowship with Katie Decker.
Paul Kruger introduces our former Executive Director Elise Hanseman.
Perfect attendance winners all present.
Current and former Executive Directors Shawn Noorda and Elise Hanseman.
Songleader Arleen Sirois.
Las Vegas Rotary Foundation President Tom Thomas explains our funding model.
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