The Wheel For September 19, 2019

by Sep 19, 2019The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Luanne “Lu” Arredondo – District Governor 2019-2020 – Vision of Rotary

The Wheel

Luanne “Lu” Arredondo 

District Governor 2019-2020

Vision of Rotary

A fourth-generation Rotarian, Luanne “Lu” Arredondo was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, raised on the family ranch in Corrales, New Mexico, and grew up the youngest daughter of 11 children. Paul Harris was often the focus of conversation at the dinner table – also a place where many of her life lessons about service to others originated. Luanne relocated to Southern California in 1989 where she would eventually meet and marry hubby Moises (aka “Moe”).

Luanne graduated summa cum laude with a double Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and biology from the University of New Mexico. She went on to graduate magna cum laude with a double masters in finance and business administration from California State University, Los Angeles, specializing in change management. After 15 years of working at the executive level with Fortune 50 organizations, Luanne opened LA Business Consultants, LLC in 2005, growing it from a small one person office into an international film, finance, and change management organization.

Luanne believes that we honor our blessings by giving of ourselves to those who need us most. She belongs to several organizations in her local community, including service as a commissioner on the Community and Senior Services Commission for West Covina.

Luanne joined Rotary in March 2010 to continue the legacy of Rotary service in her family. Serving as a two-term president, Luanne and the Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise earned the coveted Governors Bell Award, and she received Rotary International’s recognition as Rotarian of the Year. Luanne has served in several posts at the club level including public relations, website administrator, co-treasurer, club secretary, Interact liaison, and member of the board of directors. At the District level Luanne has served as PR chair, international projects co-chair, district conference chair, assistant governor, community outreach chair, peace conference administrator, and trainer.

When not busy at work or in service to others, Luanne and Moises enjoy spending time with their three children, Josh (age 30), Zack (age 28), and Bryan (age 16). They enjoy camping, fishing, back-yard BBQ, softball, and board games. For Luanne and Moe Rotary is more than just a passion for humanitarianism and doing good in the world. It is an organization that recognizes the value of family and the impact we have when we work together.

Luanne’s greatest inspiration comes from the work and efforts of fellow Rotarians and their families. She believes that our successes toward eradicating polio, creating peace in the world, eliminating inequities, and developing a better world for our youth begin with the sincere goodness in our hearts and simple random acts of kindness. Luanne looks forward to proudly and humbly serving as your District Governor in 2019-2020.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

A few weeks ago, I discussed how Rotary Action Groups connect the world of Rotarians. As a refresher, RAGs are global groups of Rotarians and others who are experts in many fields and can offer help and resources for a specific project at the Club or District Level.

The other way to connect the world is through a Rotary Fellowship. From RI’s website, “Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience.” They differ from Rotary Action Groups is that they are more hobby focused where a Rotarian can find other members from around the world who share a similar passion or hobby.

While there are a few Rotary Fellowships that are focused on a profession, the majority are hobby based. Imagine if you are an avid skier. There is a Rotary Fellowship for you. How cool would it be to connect to skiers all over the world and join some members for a ski holiday in the Swiss Alps. PP Dave T, there is a Water Polo Fellowship. Captain Kirk, there is an Internet Fellowship. Rose F, there is an Italian Culture Fellowship. Judith P there is a Music Fellowship. Tina B there is a Photography Fellowship. Ted M, Steve L, Greg M, there is a Military Veterans Fellowship. Attorneys, there is one for you, Lawyers. Canoeing, Yoga, Wine, Beer, Doll lovers, Doctors, Recreational Vehicles, Railroads, Chess and the list goes on and on. Want to make Rotarian friends around the world and share your passion? Rotary Fellowships are the way to go. Make lasting friendships outside your club, district and country.

Rotary Fellowships serve to advance Rotary’s public image and identity and can serve as an incentive for joining and maintaining active membership.

As an organization, just as Rotary Action Groups, Rotary Fellowships function separately from RI by establishing their own structure, dues requirements and rules. While Rotary Action Groups are open to a wide group of professional people who may be outside of Rotary, Rotary Fellowships are open to Rotarians, their family members, and alumni of Rotary and all Foundation programs.

Go to RI’s website for more information and find a very, very long list of established Fellowships and a way to contact them for more information. Each Fellowship has a hot link to their landing page with a description of who, what, where, how and why!

If you can’t find a Fellowship in the immense long list of Fellowships, you can start your own. There is a brochure available for download on RI’s website that details the steps.

I have a goal of one club member joining a Rotary Action Group and one club member joining Rotary Fellowship. Let our club know how much you are enjoying your Group or Fellowship and help our club be a part of President Maloney’s mission of “Rotary Connects the World!”

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – September 12, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting:  September 12, 2019

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order.
  • P.P. Jim Kohl gave the invocation;
  • P.P. Steve Linder led the club in singing “America the Beautiful”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance;
  • The Sergeant at Arms was Carey Grohs;
  • There was (1) International Rotarian, (0) visiting Rotarians and (8) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
  • President Jackie gave a reminder about the Together We Read Pilot Program.  All Rotarians were encouraged to reach out to Toni Kern and Kathy Mahon  to get involved.  She also reminded the club of the International Convention in Hawaii. President Jackie announced the intention to donate to the Robbins Fund in the green book.  $500 has been budgeted from the Foundation in addition to member donations to District 6990 for disaster relief;
  • President Jackie then led the club in a moment of silence in remembrance of those we lost of September 11, 2001.
  • Principal Shannon Brown gave an update from Beckley and the results of Breakfast with Books.  There were 309 parents and students in attendance;
  • Rose Falocco donated four tickets to a Golden Knight’s game to the club to auction off toward the disaster relief efforts.  President Jackie auctioned off the tickets to Robert Brinton for a grand total of $800;
  • Jimmelle Siarot gave a recap of the Rockin’ Bettie fundraiser.  $250 was raised at the event toward the canned food drive.   
  • P.P. David Thorson reminded everyone of the upcoming Wetzel Awards on September 26th at 2:30.  Rene Gamero announced the 25 Club social on September 24th which is a tour of the Make a Wish wishing place.
  • Jamie Goldsmith reminded everyone of SOAR ceremony at Las Vegas City Hall on September 16th and said the largest need is attendance;
  • Kathy Mahon reminded everyone of the high tea on September 15th at La Postté benefiting the canned food drive;
  • President Jackie reminded the club of the 30th annual Peace Conference at Treasure Island on November 16thP.P. Russ Swain announced the UNLV tailgate on October 5th at 5:30 in the Scarlett parking lot.  P.P. Jim Tucker announced all of the space in the Wheel has been filled, but there are still ads available in the roster.
  • Jerry Engle told the club about his recent trip to Africa and his rotary experiences while he was there and President Jackie  presented Eric Astramecki with his long lost sport coat.
  • The weekly drawing began at $1,170 plus this week’s donations.  The Ticket Winner who drew an ace and received $50 was Steve Kwon;  the Lawry’s Bucks went to a guest;
  • Dr. Andy Kuniyuki introduced Dr. Spencer Stewart, Chancellor of WGU, an online, nonprofit, competency-based university who discussed the concepts behind WGU’s structure and success of the university since inception.
  • President Jackie presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit the local USO and then adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Steve Kwon missed the Joker but picked the $50 Ace.
Rose Falocco auctioned off 4 Golden Knights tickets for the benefit of hurricane relief.
Rose’s guest won the Lawry Bucks.
Rene Gamero announced our 25 Club Social at the Make a Wish wishing place.
Principal Shannon Brown from Beckley Elementary and Sergeant at Arms Carey Grohs join for a photo moment.
President Jackie presented our guest from WGU with our Share What You Can Award.
President Jackie presented Erik Astramecki with his long lost sports coat… the cost of a recognition fine.
President Jackie, Rosalee Hedrick and Janet Linder inducted our new member Chase Carter from St Jude.
PP Steve Linder led us in song.
PP Jim Kohl led the invocation.
PP’s Russ Swain and Randy Donald pose for a pic.
Jimmelle gave us a recap of the Rockin' Bettie fundraiser.
Jerry Engel and Diane Clarey hold up a makeup Banner from Capetown Africa.
Go RB (Robert Brinton) whose high bid won the tickets.
Bob Werner exchanged banners with a visiting Rotarian from Canada.
At President Jackie’s head table were our Speaker Dr. Spencer Stewart, Tina Bishop and Toni Kern.
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