The Wheel for October 6, 2016

by Oct 5, 2016The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Marvin Menzies – UNLV Basketball

Luciano De SylvaDr. Luciano “Lu” de Sylva started his professional career as a businessman and has owned several successful businesses. Attracted to the idea of a career in service to others, Lu decided on the field of education and
pursued graduate work to earn his teaching credential. He then taught at intermediate and high schools in Colorado before moving to California where he continued his career in school administration and academia. Always involved in the community and with a personal commitment to help others, Lu served as a reader for the blind, a Regional Program Evaluator for the United Fund and Chair of the Community Holiday Basket
Program, which he brought to the Rotary Club as a partnership.
Lu joined Rotary in 1983 and has been actively involved at the Club and District level ever since. He served as President of the Rowland Heights Club in 1990-91 followed by a term as Governor’s Representative. Lu became
a member of the Rotary Club of Walnut Valley in 1996 and served as President three times. He has also been Assistant Governor. District Club Service Chair, District Trainer, Foundation Mentor, 4-Way Speech Contest
Chair, Rotaract Chair, and has served on the Ambassadorial Scholarship and Peace Conference Committees. A multiple Paul Harris Fellow, Lu enjoys Rotary travel and hands on service. In addition to continuous local community service activities, he has served on a Rotoplast Team to Guatemala in and distributed wheelchairs in Hermosillo and Guaymas Mexico.
Lu and his sweetheart Hazel have been married for 36 years and have three sons and two grandsons. They are committed to Rotary and look forward to the many opportunities that will be presented through Rotary to serve

Message From The President

David ThorsonDear Fellow Rotarians,

October has to be one of my favorite months. With the weather cooling off, football in full action and all the kids back at school, it can only mean one thing – the Las Vegas Rotary Club has a VERY full slate of opportunities for service and fellowship! The next few months will go by very quickly so make sure to get involved with as many of the myriad options as tickle your fancy.

I thought I would kick off October with a bit of prose about the harvest season. This one I think will be a bit tougher to figure out, but whoever identifies the author correctly will get a fun little reward:

Oh, ‘tis sweet, when fields are ringing
With the merry cricket’s singing,
Oft to mark with curious eye
If the vine-tree’s time be nigh:
Here is now the fruit whose birth
Cost a throe to Mother Earth.
Sweet it is, too, to be telling,
How the luscious figs are swelling;
Then to riot without measure
In the rich, nectareous treasure,
While our grateful voices chime,–
Happy season! blessed time.

Here’s to another great month of serving humanity!

David Thorson
President 2016 -2017

Member Highlights

Scribe – September 29, 2016

President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
Past President Mary Ann Avnet gave the invocation. Jerry Engel led the club in singing God
Bless America. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Michael Lehavi, from UNLV Rotaract.
• There were no International Rotarians, No Visiting Rotarian and (6) Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
• The drawing began at $1,091.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Past President Brock Fraser who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Matt Nelson.
Past President Jim Tucker announced that the new roster is being produced. Please notify him if you want to update your photo or change any personal information.
President David Thorson presented Past President Tom Thomas with a 4 Way Test Coin for his work with the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation.
President David Thorson highlighted legacy member Richard Reylea and congratulated him on being a member of our club for over 41 years!
Bill Houghton gave a craft talk on the service project he did with his family in Mexico – providing school supplies to a remote village.
• UNLV Student and Rotaract Member Michael Lehavi asked for volunteers to assist in rebuilding the Rotaract Chapter.
Janice Lencke announced that there are still sponsorship opportunities available for the Rotary Car Show next year.
Arleen Sirois announced that the next Wine to Water event will be Friday, October 7, 2016.
Past President Mary Ann Avnet announced that the Bracken’s Reading Week will be October 10th through October 14, 2016.
Past President Mary Ann Avnet announced that they are accepting donations of toys to take on the next Rotoplast Mission to India.
Marie Walsh announced that the next breakfast with books will be held on October 11, 2016.
Erik Astramecki announced that he still has 2 sponsorships available for his shorts for his upcoming King of the Cage fight on October 15, 2016 at The Cannery.
Kirk Alexander announced that they still need volunteers for the Corazon Super Build on October 15, 2016.
Anil Melnick announce that the next UNLV Tailgate Party is on October 22, 2016 at 11:30am.
Past President Jim Hunt announced that Santa Clothes will be held on December 8, 2016.
Jackie Thornhill reminded everyone that the Wetzel Awards are being presented today at Nellis AFB.
Rich Robledo introduced the speaker, Jim Kohl, who educated the club about his efforts to help open a Cristo Rey High School in Las Vegas. Cristo Rey teaches under privileged students life skills and helps them gain real life experience in an office environment. It has been successful in several urban markets and was even spotlighted on the TV program 60 Minutes. The projected open date for the Las Vegas locations is either 2019 or 2020.
President David Thorson presented Jim Kohl with the Sole Power Award and adjourned the

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Luciano De Sylva
David Thorson
Past president Mary Ann Avnet presented us our weekly invocation.
Member Jerry Engel gets on his ladder to present our opening song.
OK members get ready, Jerry’s got his Harmonica. Thank you Jerry!
Past President Tom Thomas receives a recognition award from
Dr. Richard Relyea is honored for his honored for 41 years of membership in our club.
Jackie Thornhill reminds us of the Wetzel Awards event at Nellis
Jackie Thornhill reminds us of the Wetzel Awards event at Nellis
Brock Frazer missed pulling the Joker and has to settle for $10.
Matt Nelson walks away with the Lawry Bucks.
President Dave presents a Sole Power Award to our member speaker Jim Kohl.
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