The Wheel for October 3, 2019

by Oct 3, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Kyle B. Rahn – United Way of Southern Nevada

kyle b rahn united way of southern nevadaWith over 30 years of progressive experience across industries, ranging from private organizations to international nonprofits, Kyle B. Rahn is an expert in leading high performing teams, strengthening donor and board relations and creating strategic plans with a fundraising focus. As the first female President of United Way of Southern Nevada, Kyle is passionate about providing cradle to career support and increasing revenue to help more families, children, and individuals succeed. She’s intimately acquainted with leadership and development and working with and on behalf of those who need it most: the citizens of Clark County.

Most recently from the National Society of Black Engineers, Kyle was the first white female hire in the 45-year history of the organization. At NSBE, as the Senior Director of Fund Development, she developed the entire fundraising strategy and moved the organization to a strategic partnership model resulting in organizational revenue growth of over 64%. Providing oversight to a $14M annual fundraising strategy, she worked to develop and expand the base of donors, corporations, and foundations that provided support for the Society’s mission. Before joining NSBE, Kyle led programs and initiatives that raised more than $30 million annually as Vice President of Resource Development for United Way of the National Capital Area.

Kyle’s belief in the power of community is deeply rooted by her broad life experience and the United Way. Born into an entrepreneurial, community-minded family in Indiana, she watched her father and grandfather lead local United Way campaigns and saw the pivotal role that United Way played in the lives of their employees and the community.

After growing up in the family business, she ventured out to management positions in the tech sector then launched her own marketing company before deciding to put her passion for helping people to work. Kyle began her nonprofit journey as the Director of U.S. Development for Mercy Ships International in 2007. Her success led to a three-year tenure as Director of Development for Cultural Tourism DC, supporting the organization’s promotion of the diverse diplomatic cultures and heritage of Washington, D.C.

Kyle’s love of people and her passion for equity and inclusion have guided her work throughout her professional career. As President and CEO of United Way of Southern Nevada, she utilizes these attributes and her extensive experience to guide the organization’s cradle-to-career Community-based Agenda; overseeing its work with community partners to provide demonstrated measurable outcomes in early education, student success, post-secondary attainment, and workforce supports. Always an involved citizen, Kyle continues to serve in numerous volunteer positions in the community.

United Way of Southern Nevada is part of a network of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 45 countries and territories. United Way Worldwide is the largest nonprofit in the world, raising $5 billion annually in support of families and individuals in need.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

I had the wonderful pleasure of attending the Interact Conference this past Saturday. I and a member of the Summerlin Club facilitated one of the breakout sessions on the role of the President and their Board of Directors.

How many of you know that we have a very active Interact Club at Clark High School? And, we are about to sponsor our second club. Maybe those of you who have been involved with RYLA, but what about the rest of you? This club has been active for several years and these kids, in addition to their local projects, show up with their faculty advisor, Luanne Wagner to help with Santa Clothes. Several of the kids I met on Saturday are also planning to help with Santa Clothes this year.

So, what exactly is an Interact Club and how do they fit into Rotary?

From Rotary International: “Interact is a service club for youth ages 12-18 who want to connect with other young people and have fun while serving their communities and learning about the world. Clubs, which meet at least twice a month, are sponsored by local Rotary Clubs. Interact Clubs organize at least two service projects each year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Members of sponsor Rotary Clubs mentor Interactors as they carry out the projects and develop leadership skills.”

How do the Interact Clubs recruit members? Well, LVRC members, do you have children or grandchildren in the age range? These kids are already familiar with Rotary and are eager to begin a Rotary experience. Kids who have just finished their amazing weekend experience at RYLA need a place to land to keep up the momentum. For a school-based club, seek the assistance of school officials as to how they recruit within the school. For community-based clubs, (several schools or community-based groups such as the Boys and Girls clubs,) reach out to community partners to form an Interact Club with their kids. We can also reach out to other Clubs. Up to three clubs can sponsor an Interact Club. This also helps to build connections within the local clubs. Remember RI International President Mark Daniel Maloney’s mission of “Rotary Connects the World.” Our world starts in our backyard.

With our club at Clark High School and all interact clubs, project planning must include a risk management plan that evaluates potential risks and provides a solution for each. At the conference as I was asking the kids what their club projects are, one Club spoke of how they fill boxes of necessities for the homeless for distribution. I immediately asked how their boxes were distributed, (concerned that the kids may be directly involved,) but no, they gave the boxes to an organization who then distributed. A project where risk was assessed and the solution was put in place.
In short, Rotary Clubs are tasked with mentoring, coaching and helping to oversee by attending their meetings and helping these kids grow into leaders, productive members, and future Rotarians.

Youth is our legacy!

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – September 26, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting:  September 26, 2019

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order.
  • Mike Ballard gave the invocation;
  • Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing “Home Means Nevada”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance;
  • The Sergeant at Arms was Michael Cudiamat;
  • There were (0) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarian and (4) Guest of Rotarians introduced;
  • President Jackie led the club in a moment in silence in remembrance of the lives lost at Route 91;
  • President Jackie reminded the club about the Together We Read Pilot Program.  All Rotarians were encouraged to reach out to President Jackie, Toni Kern or Kathy Mahon to get involved.  She also reminded the club of the International Convention in Hawaii. President Jackie then informed the club that the recent balloon accident involved fellow Rotarian Kevin Cloney who is taking a leave of absence to recover;
  • Since it was the 4th Thursday of the month, President Jackie announced the Rotarian of the Month: Jaime Goldsmith and recognized all of her hard work throughout the month of September;
  • Rosalee Hedrick did a special presentation regarding the 4th quarter membership drive entitled 140 Project encouraging all members to bring guests and future potential Rotarians to events and lunch meetings.  She also announced a prize would be awarded to the Rotarian who is most successful in getting potential Rotarians through the interview process;
  • Diane Zapach from the Summerlin District announced her club’s fundraiser and Harvest Wine Festival on October 8th. Rose Falocco raffled off 3 tickets to an upcoming Vegas Golden Knights game which sold for $225 – the proceeds of which were donated directly to the canned food drive.  Carey Grohs then announced additional ways to help the canned food drive: donate to the buckets on each table; the Halloween party; and direct donation in the green book.
  • P.P. David Thorson reminded everyone of the Wetzel Awards immediately after the meeting.  
  • Rene Gamero did a wrap up of the 25 club social and P.P. Jim Hunt reminded everyone that just because events are 25 club events doesn’t mean that all members should not attend.
  • Marie Walsh announced that she was collecting candy for the Beckley Harvest Festival and will be accepting donations at the next few meetings.  She also reminded everyone of the October 8th Breakfast with Books.
  • Eric Astramecki announced the annual fundraiser committee meeting on October 3rd to discuss next year’s fundraiser which is tentatively set for April 25th to discuss sponsorship packages.  Michael Williams reminded the club of the upcoming Peace Conference and the importance of attendance from all Rotarians.  President Jackie reminded the club about the upcoming UNLV tailgate.
  • P.P. Jim Hunt announced the Cigar Social on October 25thBill Houghton announced the Teen Leadership Camp December 6-8th and asked all Rotarians if they have family members who would like to attend as they will receive priority.
  • The weekly drawing began at $1,306 plus this week’s donations.  The Ticket Winner who received $10 was Dave Wester;  the Lawry’s Bucks went to Carolyn Sparks;
  • Stuart Lipoff introduced Nancy Uscher, Dean of the UNLV College of Fine Arts who discussed the wonderful work and future projects done by the college within the community.
  • President Jackie presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit the local USO and then adjourned the meeting.


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Las Vegas Rotary Club
kyle b rahn united way of southern nevada
Sergeant at Arms Michael Cudiamat and Rosalee Hedrick introduce our speakers aide from UNLV Jennifer Vaughan.
Rosalee Hedrick did a presentation on our 4th quarter membership drive.
President Jackie thanks PP Tom Thomas for his dedication to our club by donating a new projector.
President Jackie recognizes Jaime Goldsmith as the Rotarian of the month.
President Jackie awarded our speaker Dean Nancy Uscher with our share what you can award.
Mike Ballard led the invocation.
Michael Williams announced the upcoming Peace conference.
Janet Lencke showed off her Red Cuckoo purse from London. Who’s the Cuckoo the red head or the purse?
Jaime Goldsmith and President Jackie sang “Home Means Nevada’.
Erik Astramecki announced the details of our annual fundraiser meeting.
Dave Lester won the chance to pull the joker and win the pot…..alas he pulled a 10.
Carolyn Sparks won the Lawry's Bucks.
Carey Grohs announced ways to help our canned food drive.
Bill Houghton urged members with teens in the family to attend our Team Leadership Camp.
At President Jackie’s head table were Stu Lipoff, visiting from the Summerlin Club Diane Zapach and our speaker Dean Nancy Uscher of the UNLV College of Fine Arts.
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