The Wheel for October 24, 2019

by Oct 24, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Dr. Michelle Paul – Suicide

Dr. Michelle Paul is a Psychologist and Associate Director of Clinical Training in the UNLV Psychology Doctoral training program. She also directs UNLV’s interdisciplinary community mental health training clinic: The Partnership for Research, Assessment, Counseling, Therapy and Innovative Clinical Education, also known as The PRACTICE. At The PRACTICE, psychology and counseling graduate students provide affordable and evidence-based psychotherapy and psychological assessment under expert faculty supervision. Dr. Paul earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Vermont in 1997 after completing her residency at the University of San Diego/VA Hospital Consortium. She has strong generalist clinical training with particular interests in children, families, and psychological assessment. She is also devoted to professional service at the local, state and national levels. For example, she was elected President of the Nevada Psychological Association and appointed by Governor Sandoval to the Nevada Board of Psychology, serving 3 years as its President. She was honored by UNLV and the Board of Regents with the 2018 Graduate Academic Advisor Award and by the Nevada Psychological Association with the 2019 “Outstanding Advocate for Psychology” Award. A fellow Nevadan since 1999, Dr. Paul is committed to applying her clinical and professional expertise to improving the mental health of our community.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Today we are so fortunate to hear from Dr. Michelle Paul from the UNLV Psychology Doctoral Training program. I am especially interested to hear about mental health concerns with our veterans and active duty military. My father suffered from PTSD from his time serving during World War II. It was suppressed for decades until he went on a trans-pacific cruise stopping at many of the WWII sites his Navy ship battled during the war. It plagued him until the end of his life. I have also known a POW from the Vietnam war and I always wondered how he managed from day to day.

As General William Tecumseh Sherman famously noted during the Civil War, “War is hell.”

How Common Is PTSD Among Veterans?

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reports that incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder among veterans varies depending on which conflict a service member was involved with.

  • About 11 to 20 out of every 100 veterans (or between 11 and 20%) who served in operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom have PTSD in a given year.
  • About 12 out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSD in a given year.
  • About 15 out of every 100 Vietnam veterans (15%) were currently diagnosed with PTSD when the most recent study of them (the National Vietnam Veteran Readjustment Study) was conducted in the late 1980s. It’s believed that 30% of Vietnam veterans have had PTSD in their lifetime.

Wow, these stats are very concerning. While the Veterans Administration has recognized the disorder and offers treatment, the recent headlines about vets waiting weeks or months for an appointment has Americans apalled. Thankfully, now vets and active duty military can turn to private medical and mental healthcare.

What About the Kids?

Our club’s mission statement spells out what our focus is. “Teaching youth to succeed through literacy, education and life skills development.” So naturally we are concerned with mental health issues in kids. How pervasive is it? Are the kids getting the help they need? Are the parents in some cases refusing to acknowledge that there is a problem? When the parents do acknowledge that a problem exists, do they know where to go for help?

According to the CDC:

  • ADHD, behavior problems, anxiety, and depression are the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children
  • Depression and anxiety have increased over time
  • Treatment rates vary among different mental disorders; Good news, on the average, 50% or better are getting help.
  • Mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders begin in early childhood
  • Rates of mental disorders change with age, generally increasing
  • Many family, community, and healthcare factors are related to children’s mental health such as socio-economic factors

Early diagnosis and appropriate services for children and their families can make a difference in the lives of these children. Access to providers who can offer services, including screening, referrals, and treatment, varies by location.

Our vets, active duty military and kids deserve the resources and services needed to help them live active and happy lives.

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – October 17, 2019

 Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting:  October 17, 2019 

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order;
  • Brian Sorrentino gave the invocation;
  • P.P. Michael Gordon  led the club in singing “God Bless America”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance;
  • The Sergeant at Arms was Rene Gamero;
  • There were (2) International Rotarians, (2) visiting Rotarians and (4) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
  • President Jackie reminded the club about the Together We Read Pilot Program.  All Rotarians were encouraged to reach out to President Jackie, Toni Kern or Kathy Mahon to get involved.  She also reminded the club of the International Convention in Hawaii. Additionally, there are no updates to 140 Project;
  • Melanie Muldowney did a special presentation of new Paul Harris Fellows: Janelle Lozano and Susan Ziobro, John Ingeme presented Marie Walsh with her honor, and lastly, Melanie presented P.P. Tom Krob with his honor of Major Donor Level 2;
  • Rosalee Hedrick and Janet Linder welcomed our newest member Mike Mewborn  with a new member induction.  Jim Hunt did a special presentation to kick off Santa Clothes;
  • Jimmelle Siarot reminded the Club that the canned food drive is still going;  Toni Kern announced the holiday party with a theme of holidays with Paul Harris at Dragon Ridge Country Club on December 5thRene Gamero reminded the Club about the Halloween Party Saturday at Russ Swain’s house.
  • Marie Walsh reminded the club about the Harvest Festival at Beckley Elementary on Friday and also Breakfast with Books on November 12thStuart Lipoff announced the next wine to water event  at Dave Lester’s house on November 14.  
  • Eric Astramecki announced the annual fundraiser committee meeting immediately after the meeting.  The event will be held April 25, 2020.  
  • Michael Williams reminded the club about the Peace Conference on November 16th at Treasure Island.  P.P. Tom Krob announced the Cigar Social on October 25thBill Houghton reminded everyone about the Teen Leadership Camp December 6-8th.  
  • The weekly drawing began at $1,864.00 plus this week’s donations.  The Ticket Winner who received $10 was Steve Dixon;  the Lawry’s Bucks went to Carolyn Sparks.  There were two additional raffles of Arlene Sirois’ recently published books that went to Richard Jost and Bill Houghton;
  • P.P. Karen Whisenhunt introduced the Ukrainian delegation the Club hosted for Open World.  The visitors discussed their time in Las Vegas and lessons learned while they were here;
  • President Jackie then adjourned the meeting.


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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Steve Dixon missed his chance at the Joker.
Sergeant at Arms Rene Gamero and Eric Astramecki announced our next annual fundraiser committee meeting.
Rosalee and Janet Linder inducted our newest member Mike Mewborm.
President Jackie exchanges banners with our new Member Mike Newborm formerly with the Rotary Club of San Diego.
President Jackie is eager to start the meeting.
President Jackie exchanges banners with our new Member Mike Newborm formerly with the Rotary Club of San Diego.
PP Russ Swain pauses for a picture with Jimmelle and Rampur.
PP Michael Gordon led us in singing “God Bless America”.
PP Jim Hunt gave a Santa Clothes presentation to start this year's event.
Our Open World delegation from Ukraine sing their national anthem.
Melanie Muldowney awarded Paul Harris Fellowships to Marie Walsh, Janelle Lozano, past Secretary Susan Ziobro and Major Donor Level 2 to her father Tom Krob.
Carolyn Sparks won the Lawry Bucks.
Brian Sorrentino led with his invocation.
Bob Werner exchanged banners with a guest from his homeland in Switzerland.
At President Jackie’s head table were Karen Whisenhunt and delegates from Ukraine Olena Balybina and Liudmyla Ivashchenko.
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