The Wheel for October 17, 2019

by Oct 19, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Open World Delegation

from Ukraine visits Las Vegas!

This year, The Rotary Foundation celebrates 20 years participating in the Open World Program. Congress established the program in 1999 to enhance understanding between the United States and Russia which has since expanded to include Eurasia. The program gives emerging leaders a firsthand look at the U.S. political system, business environment and community life. It is managed by the Open World Leadership Center, an independent federal agency headquartered at the Library of Congress. Nonprofits such as Rotary, host delegations form Eurasia throughout the United States. The delegates start with an orientation in DC prior to traveling to the various cities. They stay in their host city for one week before returning home.

The Open World program has various themes to participate in. This year, our theme is “Educational – Medical Issues” with a strong focus on Autism. Our delegation is from Ukraine. The group consists of five delegates, a facilitator who travels from the Ukraine with the group and one professional interpreter. The excited delegation arrived last Friday and will return home on Saturday. One of the delegates, Liudmyla Ivashchenlo is a Rotarian from the Poltava Rotary Club. The Poltava Rotary club is working with local schools helping them to implement inclusive education programs. Throughout the week the delegation will visit various K through 12 schools, UNLV, organizations involved in special needs and non-profit organizations. One of the highlights for the week is a tour of Opportunity Village as their clients will prepare lunch for the delegation. The delegation is specifically interested in learning about Autism with a hope to develop programs in Ukraine. Today we welcome delegates, Olena Balybina, Liudmyla Ivashchenko, Yana Khalimon, Vitaliia Patrusheva, Nadiia Tsarynna, facilitator Dana Kavara, and interpreter: Tatiana (Tanya) Lukenbill to the Las Vegas Rotary Club.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

This week we are truly honored to be hosting an Open World delegation from Ukraine. It has been several years since the last Open World Rule of Law was hosted by our club. This year’s delegation has a different focus, medical education. Open World began in 1999 and is sponsored by Congress which supports bipartisan outreach to Eurasian countries. “Aimed at establishing mutually beneficial relationships between future leaders of other nations, Open World is a value-added program that permits practical and depoliticized options for engagement.” Since the program began in 1999, Rotary Clubs in 48 States and the District of Columbia have hosted 3,270 Open World participants, about 13% of all the 25,000 participants. Observing their professional counterparts in the US, they get a up close and personal look at the American system of democracy and free enterprise.

PP Karen Whisenhunt and her committee have put together a very full schedule of business and cultural activities that meet the criteria of medical education focus with emphasis on Autism. The delegation will spend a week in Las Vegas after a two-day training Washington DC. The Las Vegas Rotary Club also has support and volunteers from some other Rotary Clubs in the Las Vegas area. The delegates will be visiting these clubs for activities during their weeklong stay. Rotary Clubs host the delegates in their homes thereby giving the delegates a look at American family and community life. Through this cultural exchange, the host families get a unique opportunity to gain better international understanding.

Delegations consist of political and civic leaders selected through a competitive vetting process. Open World has always focused on recruiting leaders who came of age in the post-Soviet era—a goal that was reemphasized in 2011, when the program launched an initiative to have 30 percent of each year’s delegates be younger than 30. It appears that the millennials both here and Ukraine have a special emphasis on being the legacy in both countries.

Open World is funded through grants and since inception in 1991, 61 hosting grants have been awarded. “By the end of 2016, over 600 local host organizations—including universities and community colleges, Rotary clubs and other service organizations, sister-city associations, local government agencies, and international visitor councils and other nonprofits in all 50 states and the District of Columbia—had conducted Open World exchanges for the Center. Over 8,000 American families have hosted participants in 2,400-plus communities around the country.

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Las Vegas, I would like to thank all the volunteers who are making this possible. The committee chairs, host families, drivers, evening event hosts, speakers and session presenters, entities/people who donated anything to the events, session planners and all the other Rotary Clubs in Las Vegas who pitched in to make this a most memorable experience for the delegation and the community.

We are looking so forward to seeing what the delegation and our club membership experience together as we demonstrate how “Rotary Connects the World.”

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – October 10, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: October 10. 2019


  • President Jackie called the meeting to order;
  • Chase Carter gave the invocation;
  • Richard Jost led the Club singing Star Spangled Banner, which was really My Country Tis of Thee, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance;
  • Sergeant at Arms was PP Steve Linder;
  • International Rotarians(1), Visiting Rotarians(0), Guests of Rotarians(6);
  • President Jackie introduced the Head Table Janet Linder, Arlene Sirois, Lt. Kimberly Brodeur;
  • President Jackie reminded our International Convention in Hawaii from June 6 to 10. Our new RI project Together, We Read, pilot program ends 11/1;
    Chan Lam was awarded 100% Perfect Attendance for one year;
  • Principal Shannon Brown congratulated Brian Sorrentino for his first time attending Breakfast with Books; Thanked everyone who donated candy and reminded the Harvest Festival will be on October 18th from 4 to 6;
  • Rosalee Hedrick and Janet Linder inducted new member Maria Calvo, sponsor is Paul Kruger;
  • Jimmelle reminded that the Canned Food Drive is still ongoing. Donations are welcome in the Green Book or reach out Shawn to donate. And participate on our upcoming Canned Food Fundraising events: Halloween Party and Cigar Social;
  • Janet Linder gave us an update on the Orientation Meeting held in her home last Tuesday. The turnout was awesome;
  • Toni Kern announced the Holiday Party on Dec 5th with Paul Harris Theme will be held at Dragon Ridge Country Club $75/person. Sign up will be in the Green Book;
  • Rene Gamero announced the Halloween party Oct 19th at Russ Swain’s house 6 Fire dancers will be performing, catered by Anil’s B Twist Catering;
  • Marie Walsh gave an update on Breakfast with Books. 16 Rotarians volunteered on October 8th. Total 297 people attended. Also thanked for all who donated candy for the Harvest Festival;
  • Karen Whisenhunt announced the Open World. Thanked the host families for welcoming the delegates from Ukraine.
  • Stu Lipoff announced the Wine to Water event on November 14th 5:30 @ Dave Lester’s house $10 fee to cover the food;
  • PE Richard Jost announced the Annual Fundraiser will have a new name and and logo. Looking for a Co-Chair for Fundraising Committee.
    Michael Williams announced the Peace Conference on November 16th at Treasure Island for $35. TLC will be Dec 6 to 8;
  • Anil Melnick updated 45 Rotarians and guests attended the UNLV Tailgate party;
  • PP Jim Hunt announced the Cigar Social this coming October 25th at Randy Donald’s house at 6pm;
  • Kirk Alexander announced the Super Build in Tecate Mexico on November 2- 3.
  • PP Jim Kohl was fined for his condition; he fell that’s why he is on crutches.
  • PP Russ Swain happily accepted a fine of $97.
  • Murray from Calgary won the raffle and Lawry’s Gift Cards went to Jaime Goldsmith;
  • Dr. Andy Kuniyuki introduced our speaker, Lt. Kimberly Brodeur;
  • President Jackie presented the “Share What You Can Award to our speaker and adjourned the meeting;

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Here he goes again…with Toni Kern…Nice picture.
Marie Walsh and Beckley principal Shannon Brown discuss the success of our first Breakfast with Books.
Murray from Canada missed his chance at the joker.
New member Chase Carter led the invocation.
PE Richard Jost led us in song.
PP Jim Hunt shows an enthusiastic smile while giving details on our cigar social function.
PP Steve Linder will not let Russ Swain have the mike….Russ was recognized for supporting our UNLV tailgate party.
President Jackie, Janet Linder and Rosalee inducted Paul’s guest Maria Calvo as our newest member.
President Jackie presents our “Share What You Can Award’ to our speaker Lt. Kimberly Brodeur.
Seated at President Jackie’s head table was Janet Linder, Arleen Sirois and our speaker and member of our club Lt. Kimberly Brodeur.
Sergeant at Arms PP Steve Linder photo bombed his wife Janet while she was making her announcements.
Stu Lipoff discusses the ways to sign up for events on line.
Wow! 2 weeks in a row Jaime wins the Lawry Bucks.
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