The Wheel for October 11, 2018
Listen to Scott Allen Frost, Author – “Livin’ On A Chair”
The Wheel
Scott Allen Frost, Author – “Livin’ On A Chair”
On a whim Scott Allen Frost went for a dirt bike ride on a beautiful afternoon in May 2009 and broke his neck, leaving him paralyzed from the shoulders down. Terrified, he was left to choose. Give up on life or try to make it better than it was before. Motivated by a series of surreal miracles that followed a cryptic commandment heard in the dark of his hospital room, Scott chose to live life in the face of tremendous adversity.
Since his accident, Scott has served as President of Titan Brands. He and his team have designed, opened, and operate four restaurants in Nevada including Hussong’s Cantina and Slice of Vegas Pizza at the Shoppes at Mandalay Place, The Silver Legacy Resort and Casino in Reno, and Hussong’s Cantina in Boca Park.
Scott will share his story of his journey from lying hopelessly in a ditch after his accident to discovering the power of faith and love as he persevered through a grueling physical rehabilitation. You will be moved and inspired by the lessons he’s learned after he began a new life in a wheelchair and left pondering the power that resides in and around all of us.
Message From The President
Below is information from Rotary International regarding the Foundation:
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. With your help, we can make lives better in our community and around the world. The mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
Why should Rotarians donate to The Rotary Foundation? Donations make a difference to those who need our help most. More than 90 percent of donations go directly to supporting our service projects around the world.
How does The Rotary Foundation use donations? Rotary’s 35,000 clubs carry out sustainable service projects that support Rotary’s six causes. The Foundation has wiped out 99.9 percent of all polio cases. Donations to the foundation also train future peacemakers, supports clean water, and strengthens local economies.
What impact can one donation have? It can save a life. A child can be protected from polio with as little as 60 cents. The Foundation’s partners make a donation go even further. For every $1donation eradicate polio, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $2. As we enter the season of thankfulness and giving, please consider making a donation to the Rotary Foundation of International Foundation.
James A. Kohl
Member Highlights
Scribe – October 4, 2018
Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: October 4, 2018
- President Jim Kohl called the meeting to order. Arlene Sirois gave the invocation. Marie Walsh led the club in singing God Bless America, followed by President Jim leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Jaime Goldsmith.
- There were (2) International Rotarians, (2) visiting Rotarians and (6) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
- Rosalee Hedrick inducted new member Rene Romero into the Club!
- PE Jackie Thornhill announced the success of the first annual Rotary raffle, thanking those who helped, and confirmed 261 of the 300 tickets were sold!! PP Karen Whisenhunt introduced the raffle winner, Corey Fagen, who joined the club for lunch
- Stu Lipoff announced the upcoming Wine2Water event scheduled for 11/15 at Total Wine’s Tasting Room in Town Square, $30/PP; Marie Walsh announced the next Breakfast With Books at Beckley ES is 10/9 and encouraged Rotarians to increase the number of volunteers from the September event, and the Beckley Harvest Festival on 10/12, asking for volunteers to help with various aspects of the event or to bring Halloween candy/treats to our next meeting to contribute to the Festival; PP Jim Hunt reminded everyone the 17th Cigar Social at the Krob residence on 10/5 and announced some fantastic raffle prizes; Luci Parodi announced the 25 Club sponsoring the Halloween Party at the Distillery on 10/26 from 6:30 -9:00 p.m., seeking volunteers for set up and clean up, reminding members of the Best Costume competition; and PP Russ Swain announced the UNLV Tailgate Party is happening 10/19 with parking in the Scarlett Los on the west side, with set up at 4:00 p.m., and eating beginning at 5:00 p.m.
- The weekly drawing began at $2,910 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was John Ingeme, who received a prize of $50, and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Pete Samuolis.
- Tina Bishop introduced our program speaker, her brother in law, Dr. Ron Tjeerdema, Associate Dean of Environmental Services and Distinguished Professor of Environmental Toxicology at UC Davis. Dr. Tjeerdema gave an interesting and detailed account of the
circumstances, decision-making process and consequences of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010, the first time, in real time, a disaster of this type and magnitude was seen on TV (CNN). The scope of the problem with crude oil and gas begins to flow out from the well, the fact all three fail-safes shut offs failed, the impact economically and environmentally was discussed and most importantly, how to contain and control the situation, from burning the oil, boiling and skimming, to subsurface dispersal. Ultimately keeping oil in the water column and ultimately disperse downward, reducing the impact on the land and sea - President Jim presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.