The Wheel for May 27, 2021

by May 27, 2021The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Terry A. Shirey – President Nevada State Bank

The Wheel

Terry A. Shirey – President Nevada State Bank

Terry A. Shirey serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer for Nevada State Bank, a division of Zions Bancorporation, N.A. and Executive Vice President of Zions Bancorporation. Named President and CEO in January 2017, Shirey formerly served as Chief Financial Officer for six years before being named President and COO in September 2014. Shirey oversees all five banking lines of business – retail, real estate, small business, commercial, and private banking – as well as all bank operations in Nevada.

Shirey holds a CPA certificate and has been in the financial industry since 1995, with the majority of his career spent managing finance and operations for major banks and bank holding companies.

Shirey holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Wyoming. He currently serves as an executive committee member of the Vegas Chamber Board of Trustees, as a trustee of the College of Southern Nevada Foundation, and as a Director of Nevada HAND. He is also a past chairman of the Nevada Bankers Association and the Vegas Chamber and served as the 2020 Walk Chairman for JDRF of Southern Nevada

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,


We moved the “Committee Spotlight” feature to the front of this Wheel in recognition of the amazing work that committee has done this past year. When we set our club goals for the 2020-2021 Rotary year in May of 2020, we set a membership goal of not losing more members than we could add. As the virus played havoc with us this past year, there were many times when that club goal seemed overly optimistic, but not to our membership committee. Also, not to our existing members who hung in there and not to our newest members who joined us during a time when they could have been excused for waiting on the sidelines. Of all the club committees and projects that are to be congratulated for adapting and persevering this past year, none deserve more of our thanks than our membership committee.

Richard Jost
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – May 20, 2021

Scribe – May 20, 2021


  • President Richard Jost called the meeting to order.
  • Michele Calbi gave the invocation.
  • President Jost played “Eternal Father” as performed by the U.S. Naval Academy Glee Club on the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • PP Russ Swain served as the Sergeant At Arms.
  • Jim Tucker served as the paparazzi.
  • We had five guests of rotarians.
  • PP Jim Hunt provided details for the upcoming Cigar Social which will be held at Creech Air Force Base on June 17. Admission is a $10 donation and attendees are asked to bring a minimum of three cigars; one to give to a solider, one to trade, and one to smoke.
  • Please check your emails or pick up paper copies at Rotary meetings regarding signing up for committees for President Elect Mike Ballard’s tenure, as well as pledge forms.
  • The District 5300 Conference was Saturday, May 22.
  • The Rotary International Conference, slated to be held in Taiwan this June, will now take place virtually.
  • Kim Nyoni recognized PP Jim Kohl and Judith Kohl for becoming Level 1 Major Donors.
  • Rose Falocco announced that President Jost’s debunking party will be held on June 24 at Bob Werner’s RSVPs are needed.
  • Rose Falocco announced that the final 25 Club meeting under President Jost’s tenure will be on June 3. Location details will be emailed.
  • The 25 Club raised $220 for the canned food drive with raffle prizes. There will be another raffle taking place in June.
  • John Williams gave an update on the Wheelchair Foundation. The group is anticipating an additional 1,500 wheelchairs to be delivered and needs affordable warehouse space – approximately 2,000 square feet.
  • The raffle ticket winner was Jay Ludwig, a guest of PP Jim Tucker who received a prize of $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks winner was Paul Maffey.
  • Sarah Thornton introduced our guest speaker Annette Logan-Parker, President, CEO, and co-founder of Cure 4 the Kids Foundation. Cure 4 the Kids Foundation is a team of multi-specialty, highly trained, board certified physicians and nurses who care for thousands of children across several specialties. The organization has assisted more than 3,000 children in Nevada this past year. That is an average of 70 children per day. They also have 58 open clinical trials currently. Cure 4 the Kids Foundation is an independent division of Roseman University and located in the former site of the Nevada Cancer Institute.
  • President Richard Jost then adjourned the meeting.

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    Las Vegas Rotary Club
    Visiting former Rotarian Jay Ludwig tries for the joker,wins $10.00
    SAA Russ Swain helps Sarah Thornton introduce her guest
    PP Jim Kohl and Judith Kohl
    Paul Maffey wins the Lawry bucks
    Michele Calbi delivers the invocation
    Major donors PP Jim Kohl and Judith Kohl and family
    LVRC Foundation President Dan Adamson and PE Bob Werner announce a new board member
    Kim Nyoni delivers major donor awards to PP Jim Kohl and Judith Kohl
    John Williams asks for help storing and delivering more wheelchairs
    Head table filled with supporters of Annette Logan Parker
    Guest speaker Annette Logan Parker receives a Share What You Can award
    Listen on Google Play Music
    Listen to Stitcher
    Rotary International