The Wheel for May 20, 2021
Listen to Annette Logan-Parker – Cures & Prevention of Childhood Diseases
The Wheel

Annette Logan-Parker – Cures & Prevention of Childhood Diseases
Annette is President, CEO, and co-founder of Cure 4 the Kids Foundation. She has worked in the healthcare industry for more than 30 years and has been involved with many nonprofit organizations since 1985. Her visionary leadership has shaped and strengthened the foundation, and its clinic, enabling it to continue to serve an increasing number of patients with diverse needs. She led the charge in the foundation receiving The Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval® Accreditation. As a health care provider in the community, she was troubled by our health care delivery system when one of her two sons was in an accident, years ago, as a teenager. The incident required multiple surgical interventions, over 4 years, and she saw the complete exhaustion her of medical benefits. Ultimately, research saved his life. This journey has inspired much of Annette’s calling to ensure that kids receive the care they need, despite the ability to pay. It has also made her a huge proponent for clinical trials, as today’s trial are tomorrow’s best practices. In addition to her two sons, she a beaming mother-in-law and grandmother.
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
Will It Build Goodwill and
Better Friendships?
It is an unfortunate facet of humankind that we are drawn to misery and misfortune such that mainstream media is filled with unpleasant stories, social media is filled with vile and hateful rants, and even our conversations with friends and loved ones frequently take on a nasty tone. The current pandemic has only exacerbated that tendency, and our once every four years Presidential election nightmare grows uglier with each passing cycle. Is this the best that we can do?
We have no trouble identifying the shortcomings of various religious groups who preach love and kindness while their members do not regularly put that into daily practice. Why then do we not see the same shortcoming when we as Rotarians forget or ignore, principal number three in the Four-Way Test?
The Rotary Code of Ethics spells out how Rotarians are to conduct their business and professional lives, but the Four-Way Test covers much more, extending to everything we think, say, or do. No matter how disappointed, frustrated, or angry we may become, if we Rotarians stop to ask ourselves will what I was going to say or write build goodwill and better friendships, we may not change the world, but we will certainly make our world a better place.Richard Jost
Las Vegas Rotary Club
Member Highlights
SAA Bhavan Singh is in the Stanley Cup playoff spirit introducing a local hockey star and his wife as guests
Scribe – May 13, 2021
Scribe – May 13, 2021
- President Richard Jost called the meeting to order.
- PP Tom Thomas gave the invocation.
- President Jost played “The Star Spangled Banner” followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Bhavan Singh served as the Sergeant At Arms.
- We had three guests of rotarians.
- Toni Kern and Tina Bishop inducted new member Nancy Anderson (Toni Kern sponsor).
- Toni Kern gave an update on the new member orientation held at PP Jim Kohl’s There were 27 attendees. During President Richard Jost’s tenure, our club has inducted 19 new members.
- PP Jim Kohl presented the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society with a $3,500 donation.
- Rose Falocco announced that President Richard Jost’s debunking party will be held on June 24 at Bob Werner’s
- PP Jim Hunt gave an update on the Wheelchair Foundation. The group unloaded a container shipment of 300 wheelchairs in 30 minutes!
- PP Jim Hunt thanked PP David Thorson for his efforts on the upcoming Cigar Social which will be held at Creech Air Force Base on June 17. Admission is a $10 donation and attendees are asked to bring a minimum of three cigars; one to give to a solider, one to trade, and one to smoke.
- The raffle ticket winner was Karen Whisenhunt who received a prize of $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks winner was Lisa Motley.
- PP Tom Thomas introduced our guest speaker Karen Haller, Executive Vice President/Chief Legal and Administrative Officer of Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc. Karen educated the members about building a sustainable future with natural gas and highlighted Southwest Gas’ response to Covid-19, catalysts for economic development, renewal natural gas initiatives, environmental highlights including Hydrogen, and Assembly Bill 380.
- President Richard Jost announced our club was awarded the Congressional Award – Veterans Supporter of the Month.
- President Richard Jost then adjourned the meeting.