The Wheel for May 2, 2019

by May 2, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

RYLA – Students

The two-and-a-half-day RYLA experience aims to provide potential youth leaders an arena to foster continued individual growth and service to their communities. This intensive experience includes Workshops, the RYLA Challenge, Plenary Sessions and Social activities.
About 400 Youths from Southern California and Southern Nevada attended RYLA this year. Our student speakers today are the extraordinary young people that attended the 2019 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards leadership training at Camp Cedar Crest representing the Las Vegas Rotary Club. They will share their experiences and takeaways with us.

Some of the Rotarians that attended will also share their experience. Representing the LVRC 2019 was Bill Houghton, Kim Nyoni, Chan Lam, Carey Grohs, Tina Bishop, Michael Williams*.

The next opportunity for you to volunteer as a RYLA Facilitator is for District 5300 is March 20-22, 2020. See you there.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

This weekend we gathered at Celebrity Cars and celebrated with each other while raising funds for our foundation and our partner Spread the Word Nevada. I want to thank each member of our fundraising committee for their hard work on this year’s event. I also want to thank Celebrity Cars for hosting us again without charge.

The fundraising committee’s hard work led to a refreshed event that allowed us to capture revenue from all of the attendees, something that we had not been able to with the car show format. The committee also secured the celebrity endorsement of Kevin Mack, among others, of the television show Count’s Kustoms. As an added bonus they told us that they wanted to be involved in next year’s event.

The fundraising committee’s efforts allowed us to further our mission statement and to provide funds for one of our best partners, Spread the Word Nevada. As a direct result of everyone’s efforts, the life changing gift of reading will be made to youths throughout the Las Vegas Valley. The icing on the cake was that we accomplished this while enjoyed a fun filled evening of food fellowship and exotic cars. I thoroughly enjoyed attending it and I think we have a great template for moving forward. Thanks again to the fundraising committee for their hard work. Thank you also to the club members who made this such a fun event to attend. I am looking forward to next year.

Jim Kohl
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

Member Highlights

Scribe – April 25, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting:  April 25, 2019

President Jim called the meeting to order.  Francesca Gilbert gave the invocation.  Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing The Star Spangled Banner, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The Sergeant at Arms was Carolyn Sparks:

  • President Jim encouraged members to share the live stream of our meeting on social media to share our message and our Club with others;
  • There were (1) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarians and (2) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
  • Chan Lam presented the Jomtien-Pattaya RC banner he brought back from visiting them in Thailand; visiting Rotarian Gavin Brown of the RC of Somerset, U.K., and PP Michael Gordon exchanged banners;
  • President Jim’s announcements: Stuart Lipoff provided us with club membership cards to invite prospective members to our meeting; the District Conference is on 5/3-5/4; please submit People of Action campaign photos to President Jim, Francesca Gilbert or Adam Hommey;
  • PE Jackie Thornhill announced Paul Harris Fellowship contributors Michael Cudiamat andRene Gamero (both initial level), Stuart Lipoff Paul Harris+1, Carolyn Sparks Paul Harris+6 and Rose Fallocco Paul Harris+7;
  • Janice Lencke and Deb Granda showed raffle items totaling over $4,000 for bidding on at the 4/27 fundraiser at Celebrity Cars, tickets available for purchase at our meeting and also at the event door; Janice then conducted a live auction of a $500 SPEEDVEGAS gift card that PP Michael Gordon won with a $400 bid, benefitting Spread the Word Nevada and our foundation;
  • Marie Walsh invited everyone to the upcoming Beckley Field Day on 5/2 and 5/3 1 pm – 3 pm at Will Beckley Elementary School; and Beckley ES is performing the Lion King play on 5/9–5/10 afternoons, to obtain tickets (free for children under 3) you can contact Marie; PP Karen Whisenhunt reminded members of the approaching family-friendly Golf Putting Tournament on 5/19 11 am-2 pm at Angel Park Golf Club, $30/adult and $15/child under 10, includes the BBQ lunch, looking for 25 more golfers to sign-up by 5/5 – no experience necessary; Niki Bates updated us on the results of our Project 150 Drop Your Drawers drive to help 6k homeless teenage Vegas high school students, after Niki and Rene Gamero dropped off all the collected donations, thanks to Francesca Gilbert putting a “Donate” button on our Facebook site and members sharing our page, we received another $455 donation to give to Project 150 bringing our grand total to $1,320; Carey Grohs discussed the Paint & Pinot Palette social postponement to 5/25 2 pm; Joakim Nyoni recapped the 4/22 Channel 13 “Morning Blend” show appearance by PE Jackie Thornhill, Janice Lencke and himself to discuss the history of the club and promote our fundraiser, benefitting Spread the Word Nevada which both the LVRC and Channel 13 has strong partnerships with, and DG John Chase recognizing the show appearance as a good use of media to promote RI and Clubs; PP Michael Gordon announced President Jim standing trial for his various missteps this past year, at 22 pages long and growing (e-mail PP Michael Gordon to add to the list), on 6/27 at Angel Park; President Jim called on Ryan Hamilton to explain why he hasn’t been sleeping well, reason being 3 weeks ago was the birth of his first child Blake, then he fined Ryan;
  • The weekly drawing began at $1,170 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Barbara Billitzer who drew the winning card and won the jackpot; and the Lawry’s Bucks winner was PP Karen Whisenhunt;
  • PE Karen Whisenhunt introduced our program speakers, the Vocational Training Team from Australia, who work with Path of Hope, a collaboration between Rotary and the Salvation Army, whose mission is to break the inter-generational cycle of family and domestic violence.  Rebecca Tolstoy, Mark Crake, Margaret MacDonaldStg Darrel Hagan and Alison Kirby presented on the District 5300 and District 9455 (in Western Australia) partnership thru the Path of Hope approach that mobilizes the organizational capacity of Rotarians to support agencies and services that provide safety and empowerment to women and their children escaping family and domestic violence.
  • President Jim presented our speakers with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and adjourned the meeting.

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    Las Vegas Rotary Club
    VTT Team receiving the
    Speaker Rebecca Tolstoy with First Lady Kohl and PP KarenWhisenhut.
    PP Michael Gordon accepting a banner from Gavin Brown ofSomerset UK.
    Karen Whisenhut won the Lawry's Bucks.
    Janice Lencke and Deb Granda showed raffle items forour fundraiser.
    Guest Speaker Rebecca Tolstoy of VTT.
    Francesca Gilbert giving the Invocation.
    Chan Lam presenting a Banner from Jomtien-Pattaya ThailandRotary Club.
    Carey Grohs discussed Paint and Pinots Pallet Social on 5/25.
    Barbara Billitzer won the Jackpot!
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