The Wheel for March 29, 2018

by Mar 29, 2018The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Paul J. Kruger – LVRC Foundation Program

Paul was born in Springfield, Massachusetts and attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He was enrolled as a student in the School of Business with a Major in Business Management and a Minor in Labor Relations. Paul obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA) within three years and graduated in the top 5% of his class in May 1978. Before graduation, he was invited and admitted into Beta Gama Sigma National Honor Society, which is the highest scholastic honor a student of Business Administration can obtain. Upon graduation, he was offered interviews at several large business firms and chose to accept an offer to become an employee of Bechtel Corporation’s Western Power Division in Los Angeles, California in July of 1978. This required him to move from Massachusetts to Southern California.

After working in their Business and Finance Department for one year, Paul was invited, interviewed, offered and accepted becoming the Senior Project Administrative Supervisor of Technology Transfer Operations, which was a newly formed Department. This opportunity meant Paul became responsible for supervision and training of over 1,800 foreign national Engineers during a period that lasted for over 10 years when he ultimately became the Manager of Technology Transfer Operations. You see, Bechtel’s Clients no longer wanted us to just design and build “Turn-key projects for them anymore.

Paul’s next project assignment was as the Project Controls Manager for the Miami International Airport’s building and completion the new Power Generation Plant. When that project was finished, Paul next worked on the retrofit and expansion of Chevron’s largest refinery in the world, which is located on the Southern Gulf Coast in Pascagoula, Mississippi, This was a $3.9 billion project that was scheduled to last for at least 3 years to complete, but the economy went really south on petroleum projects so, after 30 years of continuous employment with the Bechtel Corporation, Paul decided to retire early and move back to Las Vegas, where he still owned a home and soon thereafter rejoined the Las Vegas Rotary Club.

So what happened next? Bechtel called and offered him a really great opportunity. What was it? They offered him a newly created position of becoming Manager of Plant Operating Services! This meant not only for Power Plants that Bechtel had already designed and built but very possibly upgrading and retrofitting other non-Bechtel projects throughout the world too. So what did he ultimately decide to do? Why try to relax and enjoy the rest of his most blessed life of course!

Message From The President

Prez message – March 29, 2018

Dear Rotarians,

Recently, one of our club’s “snowbirds”, Lamar Marchese, reminded me that club members don’t always hear about club board decisions in a timely fashion. I can assure every member that it is not the intention of the board to make anybody feel “left out” – there is just not an easily accessible vehicle to communicate board decisions. With that being said, I would encourage every member to attend any club or Foundation board meeting if their schedule allows.

Here are some decisions that the club board approved over the past Rotary year:

  • Approved a new contract for our Executive Director
  • Approved various community grants to local non-profit organizations as well as the schools our club supports
  • Made several minor changes to the club bylaws including:
    – Approval of “make-ups” for club members who “attend” our weekly Facebook Livestream
    – Added to existing bylaws to clarify that “classification alone shall not be a valid reason for an objection to [proposed] membership”
    – Approved electronic voting for club elections
  • Reviewed and voted on several new projects proposals
  • Created a Continuing Resolution for the annual Tiberti scholarship
  • Approved $8,600 to train medical professionals in Nicaragua and $1,400 to provide technical support to the deaf in Kenya
  • Applied for, and received, a $1,000 Lefler grant that was given to Beckley Elementary
  • Clarified 25Club points system
  • Approved a “pay now” button for our club website
  • Approved a motion to sponsor the new Las Vegas After Hours Rotary Club

These meetings and the financial statements are open to any interested member. Our next club board meeting will be on April 19 after the regular weekly meeting, and the next Foundation board meeting will be on April 26.

Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

Member Highlights

Scribe – March 22, 2018

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: March 22, 2018

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order. Glenn Meier gave the invocation. Arleen Sirois led the club in singing My Country Tis of Thee and the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was PP Mary Ann Avnet.
  • There were (0) International Rotarian, (0) visiting Rotarians and (3) Guests of Rotarians introduced. President Michael introduced his guest at the head table, member Howie Hopkinson.
  • PP Jim Hunt provided club with feedback from the Cigar Social held on March 16th which raised more than $1,100 for our local Foundation.
  • PP Karen Whisenhunt recapped the club’s involvement with the Open World Russian delegation which focused on female entrepreneurship opportunities. Also, announced dinner and fellowship opportunity with the Group Cultural Exchange team from India at the Krob’s home on April 13th . Additionally, Karen reminded the club of the mini golf Tiberti putting tournament and BBQ to follow to be held on May 6th raising money for the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.
  • Paul Kruger reminded the club of the Tiberti fellowship launch that can be achieved by an accumulative donation of $1,000 or more to the local foundation.
  • PE Jim Kohl presented Opera Las Vegas with a check for $5,000.
  • PP Jim Tucker provided feedback on PP Jim Jones’s memorial service and made a donation to the LV Rotary Foundation in his honor.
  • Ted McAdam introduced an opportunity to participate in an on-site visit to Creech AFB on May 29th .
  • PE Jim Kohl reminded the club of the April 15th Car Show and prompted members to share announcement on their personal Facebook pages. Volunteer signup sheet will be circulated next week.
  • PDG Rampur Viswanath reminded the club to sign up for the 95 th anniversary party on April 5th .
  • 25 Club President Kirk Holmes reminded the club the upcoming car show on March 31st from 7-10 am.
  • PP Randy Donald reminded club of new vocational networking social event on March 29th at his home.
  • David Squier reminded the club of the upcoming Highway Cleanup scheduled March 24th at 8 am across from Bonnie Springs with not-to- be-missed brunch to follow at Jerry Sennes’ home.
  • President Michael fined PE Jim Kohl $95 for the news coverage the new Cristo Rey high school received. This new high school focuses on giving underprivileged youth internships and apprenticeships in local businesses. Additionally, fined PP Dave Thorson $95 for winning 3rd place in the “Power of Good” giveaway and recognized Dave with a certificate from DG Raghada Khoury acknowledging his “End Polio Now” initiatives during his presidency.
  • The drawing began at $1,193 plus this week’s donations. Ticket winner, Marie Walsh, did not draw the joker but received a $10 consolation prize. Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Ryan Hamilton.
  • Sidra Kain introduced our program speaker, Mary Beth Sewald, CEO of the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce and former member of the Reno Rotary Club. Educated club on the Chamber’s legacy over the past 107 years since its formation including its connection to the Las Vegas Rotary Club’s founding members and initiatives. Introduced the Chamber’s recent accomplishments including their role in the designation by Congress of Interstate 11, designation of Tule Springs as a National Monument, and establishment and initial funding of UNLV School of Medicine. Discussed the Chamber’s priorities to help small businesses grow and thrive, prepare for the 2019 legislature, elevate visibility and recognition of the Chamber, make member’s voice heard in Washington D.C., and to develop strong community leaders. Mary Beth took the time to answer a few questions from the club members.
  • President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Mary Beth Sewald, CEO of the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce was presented with our “Share What You Can” award.
Paul Kruger announced the formation of the J.A. Tiberti fellowship.
PDG Rampur Viswanath reminded us our upcoming 95yr celebration dinner.
PE Jim Kohl presented a check to Opera Las Vegas for $5,000.
PP Dave Thorson accepted the award from DG Raghada Khoury for his “End Polio Now” efforts as well as being fined $95 by President Michael.
PP Jim Hunt reported on last week’s Cigar Social with his patented “Poise and Smile”.
PP Karen Whisenhunt and Sergeant At Arms Mary Ann Avnet reported on the Open World Russian Delegation.
President Michael's head table included Mary Beth Sewald, CEO of the LV Metro Chamber of Commerce, her VP, Cara Clarke, and member Howie Hopkinson
Ryan Hamilton won the Lawry Bucks.
Ted McAdam introduced a prospective member and announced a possible Creech AFB, home of the drones, visit
Arleen Sirois led us in singing
Marie Walsh missed her chance at the joker. The pot moves on…..Sorry Marie.
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