The Wheel For March 21, 2019

by Mar 21, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Robin Smith – SuperBuild

Robin Smith became a Rotarian in 2010 after 16 years of persistence on behalf of Linda Bertuzzi. During her time as a Rotarian of the Downtown Las Vegas club, Robin served as Club President 2013-2014.

During her time as President and due to her passion of SuperBuild, Robin spoke to 14 of the 17 clubs of Southern Nevada in order to help secure a record year for raising funds for the upcoming Build. It was then that Robin was asked to co-chair with Mark Barragan in 2014-2015 and then Chair Superbuild 2015-2016. After taking a break, Robin decided that she wanted to again lead the fund raising for one of her favorite activities so she is again the Chair for this year under Governor John Chase. 

In her spare time, Robin leads a Real Estate team and has just celebrated 30 years in the business and ending 2018, number 25 in the City. Robin is here today to share with us the whys and hows of one of the most participated International Events that District 5300 participates in……Superbuild.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Rotary’s six areas of focus span vast needs, ranging from disease prevention, lack of access to clean water and education to helping build communities.  By participating in service projects that are designed to fall under one of Rotary’s six areas of service, Rotary clubs serve the unique concerns and needs of communities around the world.  On May 18, 2019 we will have the opportunity to join other Rotarians from District 5300 and participate in the Corazon Superbuild in Tecate, Mexico.

Two years ago, I was lucky enough to participate in a Corazon building project with my wife, Judith and our two teenage sons Jack and Kyle.  After we signed up to participate, I proactively bought three new hammers so that everybody would be able to participate.  When we all got busy swinging our hammers, we quickly found out that I bought the wrong tool for the job.  President’s tip: when you go, the hammer you have at home is not the hammer you should bring to Superbuild; bring a framing-hammer which is significantly heavier and designed to drive nails into 2x4s.  My family and I still laugh at how inadequate our hammers were for the job and how long it took us to hammer in nails that day.  But more importantly, we remember a great day of service, getting to know club members better and meeting other Rotarians from District 5300.

I won’t forget looking at the house we built as the sun began to set.  I have to admit that I felt a bit prideful about our accomplishment.  I also experienced a joyful Rotary Moment for being part of a team that provided a worthy family with a roof over their heads.  I encourage all of you to participate in a Corazon build, it is a treasured facet of the jewel of Rotary.

Jim Kohl
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

Member Highlights

Scribe – March 14, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting:  March 14, 2019

PE Jackie Thornhill, filling in for President Jim, called the meeting to order.  Andy Kuniyuki gave the invocation. Sidra Kain led the club in singing The Star-Spangled Banner, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The Sergeant at Arms was Toni Kern:

  • There were (0) International Rotarians, (0) visiting Rotarians and (4) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
  • PE Jackie Thornhill announcements: we have club business cards to invite prospective members to our meeting; if you have registered for the International Convention and have not e-mailed President Jim Kathy Mahon has achieved Major Donor Level 1 status;
  • Principal Katie Decker discussed the super successful Reading Week held 2/25 – 2/28 with students reading over 1,000 books with the help of the LVRC, and the upcoming Beckley ES Garage Sale 3/30; Marie Walsh talked about our successful 3/12 BWB at Beckley ES attended by 93 children and 61 adults totaling 154 people, with 53 reading logs submitted accounting for 530 books read by the children in one month, and she invited members to the last BWB of this school year on 4/9; Niki Bates announced our Project 150 Drop Your Drawers drive in which she and Rene Gamero are collecting at our meetings 3/21 and 3/28 new undergarments, bras, socks, toiletries and feminine hygiene products for homeless high school kids; Bill Houghton said Advanced Technologies Academy is looking for business professionals and entrepreneurs to share info about their profession with students on Career day 4/9; PP Michael Gordon discussed the committee on the President Jim Debunking Party 6/27 at Angel Park in Summerlin;Toni Kern announced progress on the 4/27 Cuisine & Octane ticket sales and ordering a new batch of 100 tickets to sell; Joakim Nyoni discussed the 25 Club event to serve community dinner at the LV Rescue Mission 3/27 4 pm – 6:15 pm, and Smith’s Supermarkets Rewards Card membership sign-up to raise funds for LVRC; PP David Thorson covered the next Wetzel Awards on 3/28; Bill Houghton discussed the 12 students, in 10th and 11th grades, the Club is sponsoring to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards 3/29 – 3/31;Kathy Mahon talked about the Stop the Bleed class 1 pm – 2 pm 3/23 at the University Medical Center; Carey Grohs PP Jim Hunt covered the 3/15 Wine Tasting and Cigar Fellowship St. Patty’s Day celebration in collaboration with the Family of Rotary with approx. 50 people expected to attend;
  • The weekly drawing began at $6,426 plus this week’s donations.  The Ticket Winner was Bob Werner, who received a prize of $10, and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Janice Lencke;
  • PP Brock Fraser MC’d our Club’s Dan Stover Music Competition with competitors Eliana Pacheco (fourth place winner), Eli Wilson(third place), Shelbie Silvers (second place) and Jesse Gressmen (first place);
  • PE Jackie Thornhill adjourned the meeting.
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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Twenty Five Club Secretary announced the upcoming club meeting at Pinot’s Pallete in Town Center.
The Dan Stover winners were announced by PP Brock. They posed with a group shot with the Judges.
Sidra Kain led us in song with the Star Spangled Banner.
President Elect Jackie Thornhill stood in for missing President Jim Kohl. Great Job Jackie!
PP Michael Gordon discussed the debunking committee meeting for President Jim Kohl.
PP Brock Fraser announced the beginning of our Dan Stover Speech Contest and introduced the contestants.
PE Jackie presented Kathy Mahon with her Major Donor Level 1 award.
New Member Niki Bates announced our Project 150 Drive for garments for underprivileged high school students.
Leprechaun Jim Hunt brought us up to date on his Saint Patty’s Day Party.
Joakim Nyoni discussed the upcoming 25 Club event at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.
Janice Lencke won the Lawry Bucks.
Bob Werner missed the pot and the $6,424 elusive joker prize winner moves on.
Bill Houghton announced the need for professionals to share their business acumen with students from Advanced Technology Students on Career Day on Apr, 9th.
At PE Jackie’s head table was our Wheel Printer Bill Houghton, Brock Fraser and returning member Kathy Mahon.
Andy Kuniyuki presented the invocation.
Acting Sergeant At Arms Toni Kern….was urging members to make sure that they has a meal card.
The Dan Stover winners were announced by PP Brock. They posed with a group shot with the Judges.
PP Brock Fraser announced the beginning of our Dan Stover Speech Contest and introduced the contestants.
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