The Wheel For February 6, 2020

by Feb 6, 2020The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Theresa Bower – 2020 Census

Theresa Bower is a Recruiter for the 2020 Census. She has lived in Henderson for 20 years. For 4 decades, Theresa has served successful businesses as a creative brand consultant, a past advisor for the Los Angeles SBA, a writer for Yahoo! and a seminar facilitator. She’s taught at several colleges, including CSN and Art Institute. In 2000, she worked as a Census Enumerator for the Non-Response Follow-up unit.

Census data, collected every 10 years, determines representation in Congress and determines how funds are spent in each community on things like roads, and schools. The 2020 Census will use a new design that incorporates Online and phone response options in addition to the traditional paper option. Theresa will share with us the incredible importance of the 2020 Census, as it impacts each of us on a local level.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

The year is 2020 and you know what that means? The Federal Government must meet its Constitutional requirement to count “We the People.”

“Census day was set at the first Monday in August 1790. Failure to cooperate with a marshal or assistant was punishable by a $20 fine. Today, the controlling law for the U.S. Census is Title 13 of the U.S. Code. The law requires that the census be conducted on or about April 1, 1980, and every ten years after that. The returns must be made available within nine months in order to apportion members of the House of Representatives to each of the states.”

Ever since it seems that our representatives in Washington DC are counting on redistricting and additions of congressional districts that may affect the balance of power. This will potentially give some states more of a representative presence in Washington than others. It would appear that little has changed over the centuries. Politicians were, in the beginning, arguing and they still are! Over the centuries and decades some of the issues argued were, for example, asking about professions in 1790. A New Hampshire representative said his constituents had several professions depending on the season and that question would be confusing. Some representatives were concerned about the questions asked. Others felt more questions should be asked to get a better picture of the citizenry.

So, every 10 years we are put through the paperwork again! When will the Census Bureau get in the 21st Century and let us answer online? Perhaps today’s speaker will answer this question and many more.

The Title 13 law stated that the count conducted in 1980 and every ten years thereafter shall be an actual headcount. The count in the intervening years need not be an actual headcount but may use statistical sampling methods to get a reasonable approximation of a head count.

Today, all persons are counted as whole persons — the original census counted “other persons” (slaves) as three-fifths persons for the purposes of apportionment. This fractionalization was removed by the 14th Amendment. The US Attorney General ruled in 1940 that there were no longer any Indians in the United States who could be classified as “not taxed.” In the Constitution, non-taxed Indians are not counted.

So, as the population of the United States has changed over its 231 years, the census has had to change to meet its demands. As we enter into this census this year, politics has intervened once again as the question of citizenship is debated.

We will learn today what the 2020 census is all about. What questions are in or out. How to become involved as Census takers. When will we be receiving our census questionnaires? Will Census takers be coming to our homes? What about the segment of the population that will refuse to participate? In 1790, the “not cooperating” fine was $20, a huge amount of money at the time.

The final report of this year’s census will be very important to millions of people. We the people will be waiting to see how it will affect our lives and our country over the next decade.

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – January 30, 2020

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: January 30, 2020

    • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order.
    • Rose Falocco gave the invocation.
    • Jerry Engel led the club in songs God Bless America/America the Beautiful.
    • Kat Miller led the Four-Way test in a cadence.
    • Judith Pinkerton was the Sergeant-At-Arms.
    • We had 0 International Rotarians, 2 visiting Rotarians and 13 Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
    • The weekly drawing began at $4101 plus this week’s donations. The ticket winner was PP Jim Kohl, had the chance to draw the Joker. John Ingeme won the Lawry’s Bucks.
    • President Jackie Thornhill announcements/reminders:
      • International Convention held in Hawaii in June 6-10
      • District Conference is in in Pasadena. Registration is open. They are celebrating their 100th year.
      • People of Action Campaign is ongoing. Please send photos to President Jackie.
      • Your quarterly and monthly contributions help fund programs keep our projects moving. Please consider donating to the permanent fund.
      • Remember to recycle Wheels and tickets.
      • 2-13 Annual Valentine Luncheon please sign up in the green book.
      • Foundation Match club will match 50% up to 500 points.
    • Jim Tucker update on football squares, numbers to be sent out via email.
    • Bill Houghton Shared info on Rotaract and Interact growing involvement this year need a handful of Rotarians to get involved.
    • President Jackie Thornhill Honored 25 Club President Carey Grohs as the Rotarian of the Month. 4 Rotarians graduated from 25 club this month.
    • Rosalee Hedrick New member orientation Feb 11th 6PM at Deb Granda’s home.
    • Marie Walsh Career day at Beckley ES will be held on Feb 7th info on participation reach out to Barbara @Beckley. 
    • Toni Kern Purchase Annual Fundraiser tickets before the Valentines lunch 2/13. Win a basket with a romance theme, champagne, chocolate, activity tickets etc.
    • Bill Houghton RYLA club is sponsoring 15 students this year if you know any 10th or 11th graders it’s a wonderful opportunity for leadership development.
    • Deb Granda ARC Blood Drive Feb 28th 10 AM-3:30 PM sign up in the green book or at code: rotary donors receive $25 in Lawry’s Bucks.
    • Kathy Mahon shared that she received an outstanding community contributor lifetime achievement award. 
    • Dr Andy Kuniyuki presented the speaker Kat Miller, Director, Nevada Dept. of Veteran Services. Miller presented illuminating stats on Veterans. There are currently 19,998,799 million Vets. Their median age is 64. Their income is higher than the median income. Nevada is home to 250,000 Vets. 9.7% of those are women. 10,874 are Active Duty and 676 are considered homeless and at last count 170 of those were listed as unsheltered. Suicide among Vets is trending downward in part to awareness classes such as Safe Talk and an online course you can participate in Psych Armor. Veteran Services are ever evolving, in fact in the last two legislative sessions alone 56 bills were passed in favor of Vets. If you are a Veteran, you may contact the NDVS review your benefits.

President Jackie Thornhill presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit the local USO and then adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Sergeant at Arms Judith Pinkerton photo bombed Rosalee Hedrick's announcement of the new member orientation.
Rose Falocco presented her invocation.
President Jackie presented our speaker Kat Miller of Nevada Department of Veteran Services with our “Share What You Can Award”.
President Jackie named Carey Grohs as Rotarian of the Month.
PP Jim Kohl missed the Joker but doubled his money.
Our speaker, Kat Miller of the Reno Central Rotary Club exchanged banners with President Jackie.
Kathy Mahon announced her receiving a lifetime achievement award.
John Ingeme won the Lawry's Bucks.
Jerry Engle on a ladder split the room in singing “God Bless America and America the Beautiful”.
Deb Granda announced the need for members to participate in our Blood Drive.
At President Jackie’s head table were Greg Maguire, PP Steve Linder and our speaker Kat Miller.
Annie Nounna was joined for lunch by her best friend.
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