The Wheel for February 21, 2019
Listen to Barbara Atkinson – Dean of Medicine, UNLV
The Wheel

Barbara Atkinson – Dean of Medicine, UNLV
Dr. Barbara Atkinson is an accomplished researcher, educator and administrator in the fields of medicine and medical education. She has spent her entire career in medical school leadership, creating innovative learning environments for future physicians.
As UNLV School of Medicine Founding Dean, Dr. Atkinson has overseen all aspects of the formation and launch of the new medical school, inclusive of leading the school’s charter accreditation, faculty recruitment, planning and implementing the school’s educational blueprint, managing overall school operations, philanthropy and community outreach.
Atkinson also worked to develop concurrent frameworks for the school’s faculty practice plan, graduate medical education program, hospital affiliation agreements and community clinical teaching sites. The School of Medicine and the 21 clinics that make up the practice plan currently employ more than a thousand people.
Dr. Atkinson was appointed planning dean for the UNLV School of Medicine in May 2014. Since that time she has created an innovative vision and education program for the school, garnered strong regional and legislative support, hired a core team of academic faculty and staff, and assembled a Community Advisory Board to align regional needs with the school’s mission. In 2015, the university raised $13.5 million in less than 60 days to fund 135 scholarships for future medical school students – including the entire charter class expected to begin classes in 2017.
Before coming to UNLV, Dr. Atkinson was emeritus vice chancellor and professor with the University of Kansas School of Medicine. As dean of the school and then executive vice chancellor of the Kansas City medical center campus, Dr. Atkinson refocused the school to better serve regional needs. This included opening a new campus in Salina, Kan. to address the state’s physician shortage and expanding the school’s Wichita campus from a two-year to a full four-year program. In 2012 the University of Kansas became just the 67th school nationwide to earn National Cancer Institute designation, which involved raising $500 million over 10 years.
She was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 1997 now known as the National Academy of Medicine, and in 2010 was appointed by President Barack Obama to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. In 2011, the University of Kansas Medical Center established the Barbara F. Atkinson Professorship in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.
Dr. Atkinson has held faculty appointments with the University of Kansas School of Medicine and Medical Center, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Medical College of Pennsylvania (now Drexel University College of Medicine), MCP Hahnemann University, and Allegheny University of the Health Sciences.
M.D. – Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University (1974)
B.A. in Biology – College of Wooster (1964)
Post-graduate work in Clinical and Anatomic Pathology, University of Pennsylvania (1974-78)
National Institutes of Health fellowship in pulmonary pathology, University of Pennsylvania (1976-78)
Certified by American Board of Pathology, with qualifications in clinical and anatomic pathology, and cytopathology
Licensed in Kansas and Nevada
Noteworthy Appointments/Achievements
1992 – Elected as the Trustee of American Board of Pathology
1994 – Elected to membership in the Institute on Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, now known as the National Academicy of Medicine.
1996 – Appointed Annenberg Dean of the MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
This past Monday we celebrated Presidents’ Day honoring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln who are regarded as the two best presidents to ever serve the United States. Although it is a federally recognized holiday, its actual name is Washington’s Birthday. The holiday used to be celebrated on February 22 which is recognized as his birthday (more on that later). The holiday was moved to the third Monday in each February in 1971 by the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. The act moved federal holidays to Mondays to keep workflow from being interrupted by mid-week federal holidays. Although Lincoln is recognized on Presidents’ Day, there is no official federal holiday honoring President Lincoln.
In my opinion, George Washington’s greatest single act was to decline to run for a third term as President of the United States. Washington was extremely popular and could have been president for life if he chose to. Instead, Washington initiated the peaceful transfer of executive power to John Adams who was thereafter succeeded by Thomas Jefferson and so on. At a time when such transfers were unheard of, George Washington’s actions demonstrated that democracy works. The proof of democracy is America’s greatest gift to the world.
There are some interesting things about him that you probably do not know. Believe it or not, George Washington did not have a middle name. To be fair, when you are George Washington do you need a middle name? Another interesting fact, George Washington’s actual birthday was February 11. When the colonies switched from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar his birthday was moved by 11 days. According to the Christian Science Monitor, in 1789 his salary was 2% of the total U.S. budget. In 1792 he was named as an honorary citizen of France. And finally, in recognition of his service to our country, he was posthumously promoted to General of the Armies of the United States. That is the highest rank ever given to a military commander in the United States. No military officer will ever outrank George Washington.
Jim Kohl
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas
Member Highlights
President Jim presented our Wonderful Secretary and Heart of the Club Shawn Noorda with a bouquet of Flowers.
Our Sergeant At Arms pointed out our German football player hosts PP’s Kathy Dalvey and PP Russ Swain.
Jim Tucker handed out Superbowl board checks to Chris Rodenfels, Jim Kohl, MIA(Gwen Hall) and our grand winner Sally Donald.
Francesca prompted us to sing along with Elvis “I Can’t Help Falling in Love” for the Valentines song.
Scribe – February 14, 2019
President Jim Kohl called the meeting to order. William Stieren gave the invocation. Francesca Gilbert led the club in the Elvis song “I Can’t Help Falling in Love” which we danced to (some of us) to celebrate Valentine’s Day, she then led us in “Happy Birthday” to our First Lady, Judith Kohl, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Joakim Nyoni:
- President Jim encouraged members to share the live stream of our meeting on social media to share our message and our Club with others;
- There were (0) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarians and (22) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
- President Jim presented the heart of our club Shawn Noorda with a bouquet of flowers as a very small token of our appreciation;
- President Jim announcements: Deb Granda is hosting a reception for PP Mary Ann Avnet and her husband Steve Avnet at 6 pm on 2/21; the District Gala is on 3/16 at the World Market Center; the District Conference is on 5/3-5/4 in Anaheim;
- Jerry Engel played a love ballad melody on the harmonica while the 25 Club passed out roses to all the sweethearts in the room; PP Jim Tucker presented the Super Bowl “Fill the Board” winners with their W-9s and checks, $500 each to President Jim, Chris Rodenfels, and Gwen Hall, and the grand prize $1,000 to Sally Donald; Kathy Mahon announced the Stop the Bleed class 1 pm – 2 pm 3/23 at the University Medical Center, free to members and spouses; Rosalee Hedrick inducted our new members Kathy Mahon and Niki Bates; PP Katherine Dalvey and PP Russell Swain discussed the international Mayors Cup being held in Vegas 2/14-2/19; PP Jim Hunt covered the 3/15 Wine Tasting and Cigar Fellowship St. Patty’s Day celebration in collaboration with the Family of Rotary; Joakim Nyoni discussed the 25 Club Happy Hour with the Las Vegas Aviators at their new ballpark on 2/27; PP David Thorson talked about the next Wetzel Awards on 3/28; PE Jackie Thornhill discussed the match of up to 50% for the Paul Harris fellowship; Marie Walsh talked about our successful 2/12 BWB at Beckley ES attended by 15 Rotarians supporting 120 children, 60 adults, totaling 180 people, with 42 reading logs submitted accounting for 420 books read by the children in one month, she mentioned the upcoming Reading Week 2/25 – 2/28 that anyone can sign up for; Janice Lencke highlighted our 4/27 Cuisine & Octane fundraiser and the raffle for tickets purchased by 3/31; President Jim called on Toni Kern to describe how her and Douglas Grant were recognized by Vegas PBS for their volunteer work, and they then committed to a $100 donation to LVRC;
- The weekly drawing began at $5,596 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Daniel Hull, who received a prize of $10, and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Tina Bishop;
- Tina Bishop introduced our program speaker Kevin Janison, children’s author and award-winning meteorologist;
- President Jim presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and adjourned the meeting.