The Wheel for February 13, 2020

by Feb 13, 2020The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Kimberly Mull – Advancing Response to Violence 

The victim of domestic child sex trafficking between the ages of 11 and 13, as well as domestic violence and multiple sexual assaults, Kimberly is a survivor turned advocate. She holds her Masters in Victim Services Management and utilizes her more than a decade of experience working with victims of violence against women, including over 400 sex trafficking victims, to influence policy makers and legislators in creating trauma informed victim focused policy.

Kimberly founded KMAC after a trauma inducing employer led to her realization that not all non-profits or mission oriented organizations are actually supportive of survivors working in the anti-violence field. Seeing the need in the corporate world, she wanted to create a survivor owned company that understands the intersectionality of business and victimization, develop practical solutions for employers and employees, and help foster a greater understanding for everyone in the #MeToo era.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Our club has made such an impact on our community and the world through our contributions to our local Las Vegas Rotary Foundation and the Rotary International Foundation. Today I wish to follow up on the ways our club can qualify for the 100% Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) banner. Melanie Muldowney presented this information last week. The details:

By considering what I am writing about, we can qualify for the Presidential Citation as well as the banner mentioned. We have already met the requirement of $100 per capita, which means our club contributions to the Rotary International Foundation annual fund averages more than $100. Check that box ✔. The other requirement for the banner is that each club member contribute a minimum of $25 to the annual fund. This is where we are a little short. If you are giving to our local Foundation, thank you so much. If you are considering applying to receive you initial PHF or upgrade a level during our club match, this will qualify. If, you are not considering at this time, would you consider just giving $25 to the International Foundation? We are also about to achieve our yearly goal of contributions to the International Foundation. Another checkbox✔ for the Presidential Citation that your contributions will help achieve as well! Three goals achieved with a single contribution!!

The many projects of our International Foundation are too numerous to list here. Please go to and click on Foundation to know just how our money is being spent. Here is just a small sampling of how your contribution will help our International Foundation with its work.

  • For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
  • $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
  • $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.

Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. Here is a breakdown of grants issued during fiscal year 2018 in the RI areas of focus.

We can really use your help. Please consider making a $25 donation.



Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – February 6, 2020

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order.
  • PP Michael Gordon gave the invocation.
  • Tina Bishop led the club in singing “You’re a Grand Ole Flag”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Chase Carter was the Sergeant-At-Arms.
  • We had 1 visiting International Rotarian, 5 visiting Rotarians and 4 Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
  • The weekly drawing began at ­­­­­­­­­$4367 plus this week’s donations. The ticket winner was Jim Tucker who had the chance to draw the Jack. Janna Velasco won the Lawry’s Bucks.
  • President Jackie Thornhill announcements/reminders:
    • International Convention held in Hawaii in June 6-10
    • District Conference is in in Pasadena. Registration is open. They are celebrating their 100th
    • People of Action Campaign is ongoing. Please send photos to President Jackie.
    • Your quarterly and monthly contributions help fund programs keep our projects moving. Please consider donating to the permanent fund.
    • Remember to recycle Wheels and tickets.
    • Foundation Match club will match 50% up to 500 points.
    • Please help Rose Falocco 25 Club Secretary by signing up in the green book for weekly duties.
    • Please keep the green book moving.
    • RYLA is coming up so if please see Bill Houghton if you know a student who would like to participate.
  • Melanie Muldowney Shared info on Foundation matching period. Great time to move up to the next Paul Harris level. Presidential Citation opportunity to be recognized with 100% EREY. Every Rotarian Every Year, contributing on average $100 each year to the Annual Fund Share with the RI Foundation. We meet the cumulative average if each member can kindly give a minimum of $25 to help the Club achieve this award.
  • Ted McAdam announced the Birthday Table and led in singing Happy Birthday. After the celebration he also asked for interest in organizing a tour of Creech AFB. It will be an all-day bus trip with a boxed lunch included in a $50 ticket price. Tentative expectation of dates in May-June on a Tuesday.
  • Rosalee Hedrick New member orientation Feb 11th 6PM at Deb Granda’s home. 6 new members to welcome.
  • 25 Club President Carey Grohs shared that goal to raise $3,000 for Destiny’s Rescue a non-profit that rescues children from sex slavery. Please donate what you can. To make it easy you may sign up in the green book.
  • Marie Walsh Reading Week is March 2-6th. Please look out for email from Beckley to make an appointment with the librarian.
  • Rene Gamero shared Tuesday Feb 25th is upcoming 25 Club Social-to be held at the Neon Museum at 6 PM. Tickets are $40 with $10 from sales going to Destiny’s Rescue.
  • Janice Lencke recognized the Presenting sponsor, Anderson, Miller Pinkelman for the Annual Fundraiser. Buy your tickets. Goal is 2 per member. Raffle for basket will be held Feb 13th. Event will have amazing food, open bar and gaming tables.
  • Deb Granda ARC Blood Drive Feb 28th 10 AM-3:30 PM at Lawry’s. Sign up in the green book or at code: rotary. Donors receive $20 in Lawry’s Bucks
  • Howie Hopkinson asked for participation in the upcoming District Conference May 1-3 at the Pasadena Westin. Pasadena Club is hosting and celebrating their 100th Register now online.
  • Dr Andy Kuniyuki introduced our speaker Theresa Bower, Recruiter for 2020 Census. Theresa is a 20-year resident of Henderson and has an eclectic career history. She shared many interesting facts about the history of the Census. It is requirement of the Constitution of the United States to complete a census beginning in 1790. With a goal to count every person once and only once. Data is collected every ten years. Any private data collected is held confidentially and cannot be shared even the FBI or IRS. If you receive a census form and do not complete you may be fined. Response is easy via the telephone or online. It helps bring Federal funds into the state. If you know someone who may be interested in working for the 2020 Census, they can text Jobs2020 to 313131 and receive an application.

President Jackie Thornhill presented our speaker with our “Share What You Can” award to benefit the local USO and then adjourned the meeting. We completed a group photo at request of the District Governor.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Tina Bishop led us in song.
Sergeant at Arms Chase Carter posed with Rosalee Hedrick.
Rosalee Hedrick brought us up to date on our membership drive and upcoming orientation.
Renee Gamero announced our upcoming 25 Club social at the Neon Museum.
President Jackie presented our speaker Theresa Bower with our Share What You Can Award.
PP Michael Gordon gave the invocation.
PP Jim Tucker missed his chance at the Joker by pulling a 6 of Hearts.
New member Janna Velasco won the Lawry's Bucks.
Janice Lencke announced our annual fundraiser.
Carey Grohs announced the 25 Club project Destiny Rescue.
Birthday imposters were recognized by President Jackie with a contribution fine.
At President Jackie’s head table were her friend Brenda Brown, Dr Andy Kuniyuki and our speaker Theresa Bower.
At our birthday table were Bob Werner, Murray visiting from Canada, and Pete Samuolis.
A Group shot of the membership…..except the photographer.
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