The Wheel for February 11, 2021
Listen to Lori Nelson-Kraft – SVP of Communications – LVCVA
The Wheel

Lori Nelson-Kraft – SVP of Communications – LVCVA

Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
Why Write a President’s Message Each Week?
At last week’s meeting our District Governor, Greg Jones, encouraged us all to think about why we joined Rotary, and to ask other Rotarians why they were members. That headed me off in a direction that I am certain our DG never intended and reminded me of the number of club members who have asked me why I bother to write this message every week since they believe that very few members read it.
After our meeting last week, I received an answer to that question loud and clear. In our January 28th Wheel, the President’s Message talked about Rotary opening opportunities, and suggested that one of the opportunities available to club members was to put together a new project, or social event, or both. When we did our club survey at the beginning of this program year, the answer that appeared most frequently was more social events, so that seemed like a reasonable message about opportunities.
Now you can rain on my parade and tell me that it is just a coincidence that we now have a group of club members organizing a Memorial Day weekend outdoor event, but I choose to believe that someone decided to act based on the President’s Message about opportunities through Rotary.
Even if helping plan and put on a new project and social event to celebrate Memorial Day does not excite you, I am sure that there is some service or social event (or both), that does. Let’s talk about the possibilities.
Richard Jost
Las Vegas Rotary Club
Scribe – February 4, 2021
President Richard Jost called the meeting to order.
- Kirk Alexander gave the invocation.
PP Jackie Thornhill introduced our program speaker DG Greg Jones, who presented his term theme “Rotary Opens Opportunities”. He encouraged us to take ownership of our membership, become involved and push our comfort zone, and ask “What do you want your club to look like in the future?” He told us that having a “Rotary Moment” happens when we change lives. He proposed an action item to find out every member’s “Why”. He announced that this year’s District Conference will be virtual, details to follow.
President Richard Jost presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.