The Wheel for December 19, 2019

by Dec 19, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Club Assembly

“Teaching Youth to Succeed


through Literacy, Education


and Life Skills Development”

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

This has been a busy week. We say goodbye to one of our long-time members and friend, Colonel Bob Barnard.

We will listen to our Board of Directors update the membership on what event, socials and projects have been completed so far. And, I will have completed my first six months as President…Wow did that go by fast!

Today, as we conclude that our last regular meeting of the calendar year, we look forward to spending another Holiday Season with our families and friends. The world each day seems to be is such a state of uncertainty, we are so thankful for our Rotary Club and our fellow Rotarians.


When we return, we look forward to the last six months of the Rotary year. We still have so many events and projects to complete. Some of the projects we have planned or in the planning stages, are Foundation Matching points, a new Global Grant, new 25 Club International project, the 4 Way Test Speech contest, (new chair, Rose Falocco,) the Mayors Cup, Wine to Water, Cigar Fellowships, RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards,) Wetzel Awards, Dan Stover Music Contest, the Annual Fundraiser, Valedictorian Luncheon, District Assembly/Conference and District Awards, Putting Tournament, Superbuild, Highway Cleanup and The Debunking Party. No wonder our club is the Greatest Rotary Club in the World!

So, members new and seasoned, you have many opportunities to become involved with club committees and the committee chairs would welcome your help! Please reach out if you haven’t already been contacted. Reconnect and experience the Fellowship of Rotary!

From me to all of you, I wish you the Happiest of Holiday Seasons, Peace and Prosperity in the New Year and all the joys of Rotary Fellowship!


Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – December 12, 2019

December 12th, 2019

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of silence in memory of the passing of Colonel Robert Barnard.
  • Michael Williams gave the invocation, Tina Bishop served as song the leader and Jimmelle Trijo was the Sergeant-At-Arms;
  • We had one visiting International Rotarian, four visiting Rotarians and two Guests of Rotarians were introduced;
  • President Jackie Thornhill reminds Rotarians about the International Convention to be held in Hawaii in June;
  • President Jackie Thornhill reminds that the people of action campaign is ongoing and to send President Jackie photos;
  • President Jackie Thornhill reminds that your monthly/quarterly contributions help fund programs such as Santa Clothes, Wetzel Awards, RYLA, Can food Drive;
  • President Jackie Thornhill recognizes the principal of Will Beckley elementary school Shannon Brown, by presenting her with a Paul Harris Fellowship;
  • Janet Lender and Rosalee Hedrick inducted two new members to the club;
  • Ted McAdams introduced the Rotarians at the December birthday table and lead the club in singing “Happy Birthday”;
  • President Jackie Thornhill announces the Rotarian of the month for October as Karen Whisenhunt and for November Marie Walsh;
  • Toni Kern gave a recap of the Las Vegas Rotary Annual Holiday Party;
  • Jim Hunt gave a recap to the annual Santa Clothes event;
  • President Jackie reminds the club of the upcoming Wetzel Awards on 01/09/20 at 2:30;
  • Marie Walsh gave an update on this week’s Breakfast with Books;
  • Jerry Sennes reminds the club of this Saturdays Highway Clean Up and brunch at his home afterwards;
  • Janice Lencke gives an update on the planning of our annual fundraiser Cuisine and Octane;
  • Michael Williams gave a recap of last week’s TLC camp and a reminder for volunteers for this evening’s Magical Forest event;
  • Karen Whisenhunt asks for host families for the students participating in the Mayors Cup in February;
  • The weekly drawing began at $3,080.00 plus this week’s donations. The ticket winner was Pete Samoulis and he did not pull the winning Joker card. Past President Randy Donald won the Lawry’s Bucks.
  • President Jackie Thornhill presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit the local USO and then adjourned the meeting.

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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Tina Bishop led us in song with Jingle Bells.
President Jackie presented our Share What You Can awards to our speakers.
President Jackie, Janet Linder and Rosalee Hedrick inducted two new members to our club Deborah Delanoy and Janna Velasco.
PP Randy Donald won the Lawrys Bucks.
Pete Samoulis misses the Joker.
Michael Williams led us with his invocation.
Marie Walsh was recognized as Rotarian of the Month.
Marie Walsh poses with Eugene Toyama and Shannon Brown.
In Honor of Colonel Robert L. Barnard.
Bob Werner exchanged banners with our visiting international rotarian.
Birthday Rotarians Jimmelle, Michael and Randy Donald pose for a picture.
Beckley Principal Shannon Brown receives a Paul Harris Fellowship for her dedication to our Club.
At President Jackie’s head table were Brock Fraser and our speakers from Opportunity Village, Adam Joseph and Gregory Gudenkauf.
Sergeant at Arms Jimmelle Trijo exchanged banners with 3 visiting Rotarians.
Sergeant at Arms Jimmelle Trijo exchanged banners with 3 visiting Rotarians.
Sergeant at Arms Jimmelle Trijo exchanged banners with 3 visiting Rotarians.
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