The Wheel for August 29, 2019

by Aug 29, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

John Laub – State of Medical Marijuana in Nevada

John Laub is the President & co-founder of the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association. Started in 2014, the organization has over 100 members and over 3,000 subscribers to its weekly newsletter.

He is the President of the Nevada Biotechnology & Health Science Consortium. John is the Chair of the UNLV College of Sciences Board of Advisors.

He is also President of WUND Healing BioPharmaceuticals, a Las Vegas-based biotech company focused on Parkinson’s, ALS & Alzheimers.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Today will be hear John Laub speak about medical marijuana and our State. I have seen so many Facebook posts discussing the budget shortfall in the Clark County School District, which most specifically is impacting our dedicated teachers. Teachers are planning to strike presumably because they are not paid enough, have increasing PERS pension costs, have seen a cut in future pension benefits, not enough basic items their students need and so on.

Well, we say, the pitch to legalize marijuana was to direct the revenue to our schools. But what is really happening? What are the differences in medical vs. recreational marijuana and how is the revenue is applied? Is there a difference?

The medical and recreational marijuana dispensaries are regulated by the State Department of Taxation. Ok there is the first issue. Having a tax permit as required by State Law even though I have no taxable sales, (I am in a service business,) I know first-hand that the collection process is very specific, diplomatically put. One must file a return whether tax is owed or not and they back that requirement specifically.

In looking at the annual fees, they are steep for all categories. So that brings me back to the initial questions that many of us are asking? Where is all this revenue? Why is there any shortfall in the school districts? According to the State Tax website, there are 49 recreational dispensaries in Clark County alone! Much more than any other Nevada county.

Ok so what are the differences in how the State enhances its revenue between medical and recreational other than renewal license fees?

Historical Information on Marijuana Licensing from the State Taxation Website:
“For 10 days during August 2014, the Division accepted 519 applications for medical marijuana establishments.  In November 2014, 372 provisional certificates were issued.  Starting in early 2015 and continuing into 2016, these establishments opened for business.”

Marijuana Program Timeline

Nov. 2000   65% of Nevada voters approve ballot question 9 to allow the use of medical marijuana in Nevada. Nevada becomes a home cultivation state with a patient registry, to be outlined in NRS 453A, the Medical Use of Marijuana.

Oct. 2001   Question 9 becomes effective.

June 2013   Senate Bill 374 signed by Governor Brian Sandoval to provide for medical marijuana establishments including cultivation, production, dispensaries and laboratories. NRS 453A is modified to include medical marijuana establishment regulation.

It sure took some time from the passage of Question 9 to the Governor signing into law.

The Governor set up a task force for advisory going forward and two things stick out to me.

  1. The task force recommends that medical and retail marijuana can occupy the same space.
  2. A 15% excise tax on wholesale with a 10% retail tax. 25%! Keeping the overall tax to under the 30% threshold.

So again, the questions, where is all this revenue?
Hopefully we will get answers to these and many other questions today.

California started a State Lottery to fund the schools decades ago. Residents there asked/asking the same questions.

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – August 22, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: August 22, 2019

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order;

  • Mike Ballard gave the invocation;

  • Dr. Andy Kuniyuki led the club in singing “Make me a Chanel of your Peace”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.;

  • The Sergeant at Arms was Ted McAdams;

  • There were no International Rotarians, (3) visiting Rotarians and (4) Guests of Rotarians introduced;

  • President Jackie encouraged members to log in to Facebook and share the live stream. There was then a reminder that the People of Action Campaign is still going and the 30th annual peace conference is at Treasure Island on November 15th;

  • Melanie Muldowney did a presentation of awards to three Paul Harris Fellows. These Rotarians were Barbara Billitzer, Jerry Sennes, and P.P. Jim Hunt.;

  • Rene Gamero reminded everyone that the canned food drive to benefit the Salvation Army is currently underway. P.P. Jim Kohl discussed the drop your drawers drive and reminded everyone that the drive would continue through next week;

  • Janet Linder reminded everyone of the new member orientation on September 10th at Francesca Gilbert’s home and encouraged everyone to participate;

  • Marie Walsh discussed breakfast with books and reminded all Rotarians to sign up;

  • Carey Grohs discussed the holiday party on December 5th which will have a theme of Holidays with Paul Harris;

  • Jamie Goldsmith, Chair of SOAR, reminded everyone of the SOAR awards on September 16th and said the largest need is attendance.;

  • Karen Whisenhunt discussed Open World. Host family positions are full, but she is currently looking for volunteers to participate as drivers;

  • Joakim Nyoni recapped the Wine to Water event and announced the $648 was raised;

  • Jerry Sennes announced the highway clean up on September 7th at Old Bonnie Springs entrance gate and breakfast afterwards at Sennes’ home and Jim Tucker reminded all Rotarians that there is still one space available in the wheel;

  • The weekly drawing began at $638 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Tina Bishop, who received a prize of $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks went to Steve Dixon;

  • Joakim Nyoni introduced Michael Harris, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Immigrations & Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations Las Vegas Field Office who gave a presentation on the work the agency does in Las Vegas and the current status of the climate of trafficking in the region;

  • President Jackie presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit the local USO and then adjourned the meeting;


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Las Vegas Rotary Club
Tina Bishop missed her chance at the Joker.
The Lawry Bucks went to Steve Dixon. Pause and Smile Steve.
Sergeant at Arms Ted McAdam joined with Kim Nyoni for a fellowship picture.
President Jackie presents “Share What You Can Awards” to our speakers from Homeland Security.
PP Karen Whisenhunt wanted someone to claim the putter that was left behind at our tournament.
Mike Ballard led the invocation.
Melanie Muldowney and President Jackie present Paul Harris Awards to Jerry Sennes, Barbara Billitzer and PP Jim Hunt.
Marie Walsh reminded to sign up for breakfast with books.
Kimberly Brodeur introduced our youth exchange student Savannah.
Jerry Sennes announced our September 7th highway cleanup.
Janet Linder reminded everyone of the new Member Orientation meeting at the home of Francesca on September the 10th.
Chris Rodenfels was joined for lunch by his sister in law.
At President Jackie’s head table was Kim Nyoni, Stuart McCann and Michael Harris Special Agents in Charge for Homeland Security.
Arleen Sirois and Andy Kuniyuki led us in song.
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