Linda Bertuzzi – Polio Plus in India

Linda Bertuzzi – Polio Plus in India

I have been really blessed to have been involved with Rotary’s Polio Plus program with my travels to the remote villages in India for the last five years to administer the Polio vaccine – just two drops for each child. This program was begun over 35 years ago with a...
Erik Atramecki – MMA Fundraising Fight

Erik Atramecki – MMA Fundraising Fight

Rotary Club is a great place to broaden your contacts within the civic-minded community and enrich your life by expanding your circle of friends amongst our business and professional leaders. As a member you will have the opportunity to hear from great speakers each...
Wetzel Awards – Base Ceremony

Wetzel Awards – Base Ceremony

Rotary Club is a great place to broaden your contacts within the civic-minded community and enrich your life by expanding your circle of friends amongst our business and professional leaders. As a member you will have the opportunity to hear from great speakers each...

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