Club Assembly

Lawry's The Prime Rib 4043 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Las Vegas, NE, United States

Rotary Club is a great place to broaden your contacts within the civic-minded community and enrich your life by expanding your circle of friends amongst our business and professional leaders. As a member you will have the opportunity to hear from great speakers each week. On topics relating to business, community services, sports, etc. Members […]

Paul Moradkhan – Vice President of Government Affairs

Lawry's The Prime Rib 4043 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Las Vegas, NE, United States

Paul Moradkhan serves as the Vice President of Government Affairs for the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce. The Las Vegas Metro Chamber is the largest and most diverse business organization in Nevada, representing thousands of employers and employees. Moradkhan oversees the Las Vegas Metro Chamber's legislative advocacy and public policy efforts at the local, […]

Michael Rosten – PBTK Fraud Investigator

Lawry's The Prime Rib 4043 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Las Vegas, NE, United States

Mike Rosten, CPA, CFE Shareholder at Piercy Bowler Taylor & Kern When he’s not out hiking Mt. Charleston or planning his annual hike to the peak of Mt. Whitney, Mike Rosten, CPA, and Certified Fraud Examiner is directing the forensic accounting and litigation services at PBTK, which includes fraud investigations. In this capacity, he focuses […]

Robin Bernhard – The Syria Fund

Lawry's The Prime Rib 4043 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Las Vegas, NE, United States

Before Robin Bernhard entered the world of keynote speaking, executive presentation coaching and sales training, he spent over a decade in sales and training at Microsoft, Barclays Global Investors and IGT here in Las Vegas. Just recently back from trips to Turkey and Jordan, he saw firsthand how citizens across Syria and other countries are […]

Joshua Stavros – Utah Shakespeare Festival

Lawry's The Prime Rib 4043 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Las Vegas, NE, United States

Joshua Stavros is the Media and Public Relations Manager for the Utah Shakespeare Festival. Before that he was the Associate Education Director at Utah Shakes. He has a BS in Theatre and an MFA in Arts Administration from Southern Utah University. For the past fourteen years, he has worked very closely with the College of […]

Mary Ann Avnet – Rotaplast

Lawry's The Prime Rib 4043 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Las Vegas, NE, United States

Everybody has a “thing” and Mary Ann knew immediately that Rotaplast was her thing. She has now done three missions with Rotaplast. In 2011, District 5300 sponsored their first Rotaplast mission as District Governor Roger Schulte’s international project. From the moment that she heard about the upcoming mission to Guatemala at District Assembly, Mary Ann […]

Andy Schuricht – Corporate Social Responsibility

Lawry's The Prime Rib 4043 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Las Vegas, NE, United States

Andrew Schuricht is the founder of Valor CSR, a corporate social responsibility consulting firm, one of only two Certified B Corporations in Nevada. Valor CSRs groundbreaking Instant Corporate Foundation gives small and mid-sized businesses access to CSR benefits usually reserved for much larger firms. Learn more at From 2009 to 2015, Andrew Schuricht served as the […]

Brian Burton – Three Square

Lawry's The Prime Rib 4043 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Las Vegas, NE, United States

Brian Burton relocated from Dallas to Las Vegas in April of 2011 to become President and CEO of Three Square Food Bank. Since his arrival, Brian has helped Three Square develop into one of the fastest growing food banks in the nation. With his strong leadership and passionate vision for a hunger-free community, Southern Nevada’s […]

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