President Jim Tucker
President James Tucker
Jim Tucker took over the helm as President under the Rotary International 2002-2003 theme “Sow the Seeds of Love”. His objective was to carry on the great work of our previous club presidents by maintaining the level of community grants, hands on projects and fellowship events, while still aggressively supporting Rotary International permanent and annual programs funds in a year of economic downturn from the effects of September 11th, 2001.
Jim developed a Christmas Reverse Raffle fundraiser and with the help of Jim Hunt, Bert Blevins and Patty Monczewski the club raised $29,200 at our Annual Christmas party. Ed Lepere was the grand prize winner of $10,000 and he generously contributed $5,000 back to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. This combined with reinstating the Super Bowl Board our club raised $15,447 towards its $36,000 three year Polio Plus Commitment.
One of Jim’s additional goals in his year of presidency was to update our Club Banner, improve the structure of our club database and digitize the club roster. With the help of Janette Ford and her graphic designer the Club Banner and Roster cover were updated. He also developed our LVRF, Inc. “Two Ways of Giving” brochure.
Our Fellowship events included Bob Werner’s Alpine Picnic with C.T. McIntosh at the barbeque; Russ Swain’s UNLV Tailgate Party; Jim Tucker and Bert Blevin’s Putting Tournament; Janette Ford’s Calico Basin hike, Bert Purdue’s Shakespeare party in Cedar City; Scotty Wetzel’s NAFB tour; Steve Casey’s Brian Head and Park City Ski Trips as well as Steve’s Yucca Mountain tour. Ted McAdams “Wright Flyer” project exhibition and flight at NAFB with Scotty Wetzel’s memorial flag in the copilots seat. 25 Club members Rodney Tucker & Jim Taylor stepped in for departing 25 Club President Patti Monczewski and initiate the monthly Friday night “Happy Hour” fellowship get together at Gordon Biersch.
In Jim’s year our clubs membership opened their hearts and contributed $50,153 for Community Service; $9,136 to Vocational Service; $44,417 to RI Polio Plus and RI Annual Programs Fund and $9,075 to our LVRF permanent fund totaling over $112,500.
Departed Rotarian Scotty Wetzel, who for his dedication to Rotary and acting as our liaison to Nellis Air Force Base, the “Wetzel” Award was established in his memory. This award recognizes outstanding airman from Nellis Air Force Base and their families each quarter.
Bob McBriens “Santa Clothes” program was an enormous success. Jim Hunt continued to find people who needed his wheelchairs. Jim & Maude Sullivan concluded their 42 years of ministry with the Salvation Army. Jim Joined our club in 1984.
Jim Tucker’s Debunking party featured a Scuba Diving theme and was organized by past president Jim Hunt who had fellow members decked out in wet suits, snorkels and fins. Foundation money was raised for the opportunity of landing Jim in a dunking tank with a bullseye baseball pitch. No better way to wrap up Scuba Divin’ Jim’s year end.