
President Gary Martin

Gary Martin assumed the Rotary Club presidency for the 1993-94 year.  Just a few months later the Aviation History Museum at McCarran Airport became a reality.  As a contributor of over $15,000 to the museum project, the Las Vegas Rotary Club co-hosted a grand opening reception at the museum for all Southern Nevada Rotary Clubs and prominent local citizens and dignitaries.  During Gary’s presidency the Ambassadorial Scholarship program was revived in our club, and a worthy recipient was selected to attend Oxford University in England (Walter Andonov).  Also revived during Gary’s year were relationships with the other area Rotary Clubs by participation in the Presidents Round Table meetings.

It was the privilege of the club to have yet another District Governor nominated and elected, and Ken Miller represented our club as well as District 5300 in 1995-96.

In addition to the aviation museum, community service projects included the new Ronald McDonald House and the KNPR Blind Reading Program.  The annual auction once again produced record-breaking dollar amounts that went to keeping us as District 5300’s top contributor to The Rotary Foundation at Rotary International Headquarters in Evanston, IL. Added to the auction this year was a raffle for a Ford Explorer.  The raffle raised over $12,000, which was added to our local foundation funds for community service programs.  Intertwined with the success of the projects accomplished during Gary Martin’s presidency are lasting memories of the social even “firsts” including the Angel Park putting tournament and the Mt. Charleston Christmas Party.

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