
President Douglas Peterson

During the 1986-87 Rotary year Douglas Peterson served as president.  This was the year the club became “big time.”  From the point of view of service, it can be truly said that Doug had “the best year yet.”  During the year more than $145,000 was given or set aside for scholarships, grants and The Rotary Foundation.  Of that, more than $35,000 was given as community service grants to select charitable organizations.  $14,000 was given as university scholarships; $46,000 was transferred to The Rotary Foundation for Paul Harris Fellowships, and for the first time the club established a Las Vegas Rotary Endowment fund with an initial payment of $50,000 to continue to provide scholarships and other charitable giving in future years.  This grand total of $145K was due primarily to the success the club experienced as a result of hosting the international convention and the fine work done by its executive committee.  The $46K given to The Rotary Foundation was comprised of $25K in proceeds from the auction, which was chaired by Jerry Lee and Bernie Menke, $15K in fines and the balance in individual contributions to The Rotary Foundation to be applied towards Paul Harris Fellowships.

With the international convention now history, there was more time for fun.  President Doug reinstated the out of town golf trip that was arranged by Phil Pechman but won by President Doug!  Doug also continued the annual boating outing at Lake Mead, which was arranged by Dr. Jim Jones and George Brizendine.

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