
President Michael Meyer

Michael Meyer was the president during the 1985-86 Rotary Year, which became a memorable year in the Las Vegas Club’s history.  Between June 1 and June 4, 1986, Las Vegas was the Rotary Capital of the world when 20,000 Rotarians from 102 countries came to Southern Nevada to attend the 77th Annual Convention of Rotary International.  Needless to say, the focus of Meyer’s presidency was preparing for this historical event.  In cooperation with other Southern Nevada Rotary Clubs and led by an executive committee consisting of Michael Meyer, Irwin Kishner, Keith Bassett, and James Cashman III, all goals were met.  The Las Vegas convention was considered one of the best in the history of Rotary.

It was during the presidency of Michael Meyer that Past President Joe Buckley became the first Southern Nevadan to serve as a Rotary District Governor.

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