
President James Cashman III

James Cashman III took over the helm of the Las Vegas Rotary Club in July 1984 and guided it rewardingly through the 1984-85 year.  His stated goal at the beginning of his term was to combine fun with service for every member, a goal that he achieved.  The meetings were enlivened by his keen sense of humor, and the special events during his year were designed to meet the needs of the varied interests of the membership, which was not easy for a club with over 200 members.  There were ski trips, golf tournaments, dances and variety programs.  Every member was encouraged to participate in club service activities, and the response was gratifying even to the demanding Jim.

What came to be known as the “Opportunity Village Project” was completed during his year.  With Jim ever present, landscaping and painting crews made up of willing Rotarians donated days of effort to the building and grounds of the refuge for handicapped children.  In addition, the club granted over $25,000 to a variety of community service projects.  Also, during Jim’s year, Career Clubs were organized and funded at two local high schools in cooperation with the Explorer Division of the Boy Scouts.

During the 1984-85 Rotary year, the club’s contribution to The Rotary Foundation topped all other clubs in District 5300.  An amount exceeding $29,000 was contributed.  For the first time the club reached 100 percent participation in the Paul Harris Fellowship program.  All members became either Paul Harris Fellows or sustaining members.  Much of Jim’s time and that of many members were given to preparation for the International Convention to be held In Las Vegas during the 1985-86 Rotary year.  Jim led a contingent of Las Vegas Rotarians, as well as members of other Southern Nevada Clubs, to the International Convention in Kansas City.  A special booth was manned during the entire convention, and a party was hosted for Rotary leaders from throughout the world.  The contingent came home with the satisfaction of knowing that the pre-registration for the Las Vegas Convention was the highest in history and grateful for their financial and volunteer support of clubs not only from District 5300, but 519, 532, and 533.  Certainly Jim’s term can be called a banner year in the records of the Las Vegas Rotary Club.

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