
President Irwin Kishner

Irwin Kishner was president in the year 1983-84.  Irwin’s theme was “Make It Work.”  Irwin served the club on the Board of Directors for thirteen years, including eight of which he was secretary and one year as Vice-President.  His main focus was community and club service.  The club reached out to the community taking on the financing of an addition to the Opportunity Village facility for handicapped and retarded persons.  In addition, Child Haven, a home for abused and abandoned children, was revitalized with financial contributions, as well as “hands-on” help from both the Rotarians and Rotary spouses.

With tremendous effort on the part of scholarship chairman, Keith Bassett, our Rotary Club began awarding scholarships to deserving high school seniors.   Past President Dr. Harold Boyer initiated the Rotary Orientation College, which will service all clubs in Southern Nevada.  Our members moved along in the direction of hosting the Rotary International Convention in 1986 in Las Vegas under the chairmanship of President Kishner as Host Club Chairman.  This project was the result of ten year of Irwin’s effort.  Our club through President Kishner, was awarded at the Rotary District conference, Rotary International President, William Skeleton’s Presidential Citation; first place award, out of the 47 clubs in the District, in the “Club Service” category; and second place award for the club bulletin, The Wheel, under the editorship of Tom Carns.

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