
President Michael Hoover

Michael Hoover led the club during the 1980-81 Rotary year.  During his year as president, Mike saw the fruition of his previous efforts to establish a Rotary playground for the handicapped, with the dedication of Joe Shoong Park.  During this year, money was also raised for a sun shelter at Rotary Park, which was sponsored by the Las Vegas Rotary Club in the mid-fifties.

In district competition the Las Vegas Rotary Club was awarded first place for community service and third place for both youth leadership and international service.  Mike gave special attention to membership and saw the club membership read 208 during his year; a membership record.  He also pushed for support from the members for The Rotary Foundation.  The club placed number one in the district as a result of his efforts.  Ten members became Paul Harris Fellows during the year, and 20 sustaining members were added to the list.  At the end of the year, the club proudly reported 38 Paul Harris Fellows and 30 sustaining members.

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