Sarah Thornton

Sarah Thornton

Director, Public Image

Sarah founded her company in 2007 as a freelance public relations professional and now works with clients across the country. Having worked with the country’s top developers throughout her career, Sarah is one of the most experienced real estate PR experts in Nevada. Her firm works with companies that specialize in residential and commercial real estate, law, professional services, healthcare and tribal gaming.

Sarah is an active member of the community and currently serves on the board of directors for the Las Vegas Rotary Club. She also volunteers with the Clark County Bar Association’s Community Service committee and serves on advisory boards for UNLV Women’s Golf and Entrepreneur’s Organization Las Vegas. Sarah has a long history of community service in Southern Nevada and is a former board member for Family to Family Connection, High Rollers Adaptive Sports Foundation and Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Las Vegas chapter. She spent two years on the Board of Directors for Kenzi’s Causes, a children’s nonprofit in Denver. She has also served on the board of directors for the PRSA Colorado chapter and the International Association of Business Communicators’ (IABC) Las Vegas and Colorado chapters. She has also volunteered with the National Association of Women Business Owners- Southern Nevada chapter. Sarah was named Public Relations Principal of the Year at the Electronic Media Awards in 2011, and the 2018 Volunteer of the Year by the Clark County Bar Association. Most recently, Sarah was named Senior PR Practitioner of the Year in 2020 by PRSA Las Vegas.

Sarah received her bachelor’s degree in communication studies from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and in 2019 was honored as UNLV’s Alumna of the Year for the Greenspun College of Urban Affairs. In 2018, Sarah earned an Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) from PRSA, a distinction held by only 15 percent of public relations professionals within the society’s global membership.

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Sarah Thornton
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